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  1. Pablo333

    new track - soilwork/haunted style side project

    heres a rough mix of a new track for my sideproject
  2. Pablo333

    Side project I'm starting - like Soliwork/Haunted etc...

    Updated!! - Now added versions done with Lepou Engl sim and TSE X50!!! Hi guys, well I may be starting a side project with an old Guitarist buddy of mine soon - we have tossing around some idea's ... I'd like some feedback regarding the idea below Hope you enjoy it guys!! Heres what I've...
  3. Pablo333

    NEW Proggy track - "Space cat" - Enjoy!!

    Hi guys not posted for a while - here is my latest tune "SPACE CAT" Used SD 2.0 for drums and POD X3 for bass and Guitars Space Cat - Master
  4. Pablo333

    New project "MDA" - DFHS - PODX3 -

    check it here >>>MDA song 4 Final mix Guitars were POD X3 - drums DFHS 1 - mixed and mastered in Cubase SX Hope you guys enjoy - and feedback welcome
  5. Pablo333

    anyone have the "Lickwhatyoubleed" zip file?

    Anyone ? it's not on the toontrack site any more - If anyone has this one could you be soooo kind to send me a link to it - pretty please??
  6. Pablo333

    Thanks for recommending SD 2.0

    just say cheers guys - I am really happy with it - bought last week - got it today in the mail!! quick test >>>SD 2.0 test I have been lacking really good drum sounds in my tunes - im going to have fun with this bad boy!!!
  7. Pablo333

    would you say SD2.0 is the best virtual drummer out there?

    I have the old DKFH on ez drummer and also use battery with various samples is there a huge improvement in sound on SD2.0 ?? if so, which sample set would work best for metal??
  8. Pablo333

    Cubase SX - snap to grid problem

    Hi guys a funny thing happened to me when i zoomed in on a midi file track on cubase yesterday... it was a copied and pasted drum midi track - snap to grid was ON- but when i zoomed in i noticed the edge of the event was NOT lined up!!!!!!! this is driving me buts help plzzzz!!!
  9. Pablo333

    sneak preview - My EP - Drop Bb - Industrial

    hi dudes, heres a mix im working on of the 1st track of my ep... Listen here or Here Used the good ol Ibanez tuned to drop Bb into cubase sx - Drums were various samples found throughout the years trawling the net. Please enjoy and feedback is welcome guys!!!
  10. Pablo333

    Sybreed drums on slave design

    this album just stomps!!! and the drum sounds are immense - anyone know if they used samples? or triggered the kit ? i'd love to get a kick that sounds similar to the on on bioactive!!!
  11. Pablo333

    Death Metal EP song mix test - EMG/POD

    Ep song 5 mix test Been working on this for 2 days - it's a basic arrangement of riff ideas with no bass gtr yet - but you'll get the idea. Hope you guys likey!!!
  12. Pablo333

    any Pod xt Pro owners - thoughts?

    Ok, so im thinking of getting one due to the rack convience + theres different cabs on offer - ive read mixed opinions on this vs the x3 (which i have)
  13. Pablo333

    Guitar woes....don't hurt me

    ok, so I got an Ibanez MTM2 used off ebay (from music shop) and the edge III bridge basically snapped off after a quarter turn when adjusting the action boo hoo... returned it, got my refund - but im in a dilema now....... the shop has been great and are now offering for an extra 60 quid a...
  14. Pablo333

    Decapitated - Nihility Tone

    I've used the search function , but do any of you guys know what amp/pedals were used on this CD?? one of my fave all time tones - clean but has that Vader-esque mid range thing going on - sounds like tons of mids to me???
  15. Pablo333

    really dumb 7 string question

    ok - say I get myself a 7 stringer - how would I play in drop Bb??? cause i know the E string would have to be tuned up to F - but is this dangerous in terms of neck tension? I know facepalm time - but i really enjoy playing in drop tuning as opposed to standard - easier chord shapes etc....
  16. Pablo333

    Need to tighten up??

    Hi was wondering on how much more tighter these riffs should be - i just recorded them tonight so havent had much time to practice them neverriffs Think they would sound good as a completed arrangement?? theres no bass - just a quick mix - trying to pull together some riffs for some new...
  17. Pablo333

    VETTA II Shuggah Query

    Ok so does anyone know what amp the guys are using on Obzen?? I know the models are all the same mostly as the POD X3/PRO , with more mic choices though. There is very little bass in the sound or low mids - but it doesnt sound harsh by any means. I seem to remember they ran the POD...
  18. Pablo333

    wahey I got my new Guitar today!!!

    Epiphone Prophecy futura ex >>> mahogany neck/body with EMG 81/85 - this sound awesome !!!! Im stoked guys thanks for all your suggestions - the setup was ok from the factory but theres some fret buzz on the 1st n 2nd frets - would you recommend I put it in for a set up??? I raised the...
  19. Pablo333

    Stupid Basswood question....

    Is it just me , or is there a certain "sharpness" or lack of " thickness" you guys have noticed when muting on basswood guitars??? I have EMG's fitted on my basswood Ibanez PGM and they have improved the sounded alot - but I used to have an old mahogany LP copy that sounded superb with tight...
  20. Pablo333

    drop C - 6 string gauge suggestions

    getting my new axe soon - going to tune down to drop C for a change was wondering about the best gauge for this tuning ?? especially the low E I'm struggling keeping power chords in tune on my ibby with 10-46 in drop c thanks