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  1. G

    Great albums nobody talks about

    Yeah, horrible vocal mix - but if you truly listen to what is underneath, you will find a fantastic album.
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    The crew over at AMG hooked me on this band. Dreamgrave...a bit of Opeth, a bit of Orphaned Land, and whole lot of awesome!
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    Anathema: I'm thrilled beyond words... Great Freaking Album!!!!!!
  4. G

    Pain of Salvation fans

    BE is indeed brilliant. It is a musical journey. But needs to be listened in the dark with nothing to disturb...
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    What records do you think need a proper reissue? SOUND OFF!

    ?????? Did the band ever release anything other than the one demo?
  6. G

    Just a quick note - new Oceans of Night: Midnight Rising - is out.

    Expect an order for the physical copy soon. Whatcha doing in LA???
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    Remember Katagory V? We're back (sort of), and we need your help!

    And there is the final period to it all. ---- On a personal note, me thinks New Breed of Rebellion is still one of the top 25 prog albums ever released.
  8. G

    Crimson Glory - The Rest of the Story.

    ---- Can someone tell me the rest of the story here???? Just found this cover while searching for something else and was like whoa! Very curious to know. From what I can gather, the other Lifeforce movie soundtrack covers are different, but as you can see this Japan pressing is the same as...
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    Opeth - New album due out in June

    Celtic Frost...
  10. G

    Any Fates Warning Concert Reviews?

    L.A. @ Whiskey Know a lot of ppl say Ray cannot hit the notes he use to, and there is video to back it up, but the man freakin NAILED IT!!!! last night. I think the band loves the crowd interaction with 11th Hour, and seems to me they have a genuine appreciation of where they are at now...
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    What's the best live set you've seen all year?

    Taylor Swift! She never once got off key with a high note... *cough cough*
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    Oldies But Goodies

    Forgotten jem...
  13. G

    Anathema - STOKED!

    You LA guys have an awesome looking fan shot on the bands FB page.
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    Anathema - STOKED!

    Funniest part of the night... Some guys were trying to be kvlt and yelled for the band to play some stuff from their doom-death days - one being Restless Oblivion. Vincent says "We have not played that song in 15 years, and we are not going to tonight." Then gave the guy a "you idiot" look...
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    Anathema - STOKED!

    Yeah - I brought a ventilator to bring to the show.
  16. G

    Anathema - STOKED!

    Going to see Anathema tomorrow night in SD and am seriously stoked. Going to feel dumb not knowing much off W'ere Here and Weather, but still going to massively enjoy it. Looking at past set lists, We're Here and Weather songs fill the beginnings, but then the end they play Deep and Fragile...
  17. G

    San Diego RR stickers

    Eh - what do I know? Saw the Ragnarokkr and that is what caught my attention.
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    San Diego RR stickers

    No. Small square sticker with the front R and the reversed R. 2012 I believe. No sticker by that design???
  19. G

    San Diego RR stickers

    Have seen one (I think maybe two) cars driving around the Rancho B area of San Diego with RR stickers on the back windshield. First saw the sticker, I knew the Ragnorokkr sounded familiar, so... voila! Will give a horns up next time I see them.