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  1. Keregioz

    The frustrations of teamwork...

    Why don't you pick a reference mix you can both agree on and base your mix on that? Also, based on your post, it seems that you are listening through different sound setups, so maybe you're not hearing the same thing? In my own band, I have final say on everything regarding the music and mix...
  2. Keregioz

    Is Andy producing the new Judas Priest album ?

    Meh...If I could find one fault on Andy Sneap as a producer is that he keeps working with bands I don't like. Other than nevermore I can't think of a single one that I'm a fan of. I wish he would work more with the kind of bands Jens Bogren mixes.
  3. Keregioz

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    That's not what I said.
  4. Keregioz

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    How Trump is as a person certainly has an impact on the way he leads your country. If you think it's irrelevant then you're naive. However, like I said, I wasn't making any political arguments. The immigrant/muslim comments I made where from a human standpoint not a political and were in...
  5. Keregioz

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    And anyway, you don't have to listen to any comedian, proof that Trump is a pathological liar is abundant on the internet. There's the recent "Sweden" incident for example, or this: I guess since I'm not a comedian this information I'm...
  6. Keregioz

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    What is laughable is that just because you're quoting "non-comedic" sources, you think they're any more reliable. Also, I'm not expressing a political opinion, I don't know shit about politics, just my opinion of Trump as a person. And btw, it's not a comedy sketch. It has a comedic tone but it...
  7. Keregioz

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    The video I posted is not just a person presenting his biased opinion, it has some facts to back it up. Yes, it's a comedy show (in part) but I don't see why it should be any less reliable than other stuff posted here from "serious" "unbiased" sources. If something was misrepresented feel free...
  8. Keregioz

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    This was a "fun" video to watch, some insight into what kind of person Trump is.
  9. Keregioz

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    You completely missed my point. I'm not defending any religion, I'm defending the people. We're talking about human beings, not blind mindless soldiers. You're making a lot of assumptions about a vast number of people by reading "facts" on the internet from the comfort of your home. If nazism...
  10. Keregioz

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    Yes, I do. Gross generalizations and dehumanizing an entire population based on religion... Talking about their evil plans to take over the world, how every single one of "them" is unwelcomed in your country, etc. Ring any bells?
  11. Keregioz

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    I like the "even if it was years ago" argument, like he was young and naive and didn't know better. Nope, he was a grown middle aged guy being crass and disrespectful towards women. And no, I don't talk like that about women I've met, neither does anyone else I respect. Of course, that alone...
  12. Keregioz

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    I get a lot of 1930's Germany vibes in here...
  13. Keregioz

    if George Michael was a PIANIST

    ...and had three hands.
  14. Keregioz

    Iron Maiden - Caught somewhere in time (mix critique)

    Thanks guys :) Yeah, you're not the first one to point that out. Dickinson is his biggest influence ;)
  15. Keregioz

    Iron Maiden - Caught somewhere in time (mix critique)

    Thanks, glad you liked it. Sorry but I can't share raw tracks, I have the projects setup a certain way and it would take to much time to export them.
  16. Keregioz

    Iron Maiden - Caught somewhere in time (mix critique)

    Thanks man! Yeah, Adrian's solo is cool (although I've heard better from him) but Murray's is fucking awful, haha. My band's other guitarist tried to salvage it (I played Adrian's solo) but it was hard, especially without having a tremolo to fill it with wankery. Yeah, I tried to have a bit...
  17. Keregioz

    Iron Maiden - Caught somewhere in time (mix critique)

    So, this is a recent mix I did and I'd appreciate some fresh ears. Thanks :)
  18. Keregioz

    Need to get a smart phone

    I got a cheap ass (about 80 euros I think?) lenovo phone about a year ago, it does what is supposed to do, no complaints. Depends what you want it for.
  19. Keregioz

    Need ideas