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  1. johnharvey1

    Kalmah Live Videos

    Very Good Quality clip For the Revolution + Groan of the Wind
  2. johnharvey1

    Kalmah Live in Toronto Videos 1080p

  3. johnharvey1

    Kalmah Live in Toronto Videos 1080p

    I think he's layed the original track over the top. The video quality is great. Having the song played over it is ok. But I personally would want to hear it without the song on top. Even if the sound quality isn't that great.
  4. johnharvey1

    Bands similiar to Kalmah

    I know this band too. They are incredible. To me they resemble Wintersun more than Kalmah. But they have elements of both. Great band. Everyone should them check out.
  5. johnharvey1

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    Finished a new video in the theme of the 'Hate Crew Deathroll' album cover.
  6. johnharvey1

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    The best new band to get into is here: Sunless Rise
  7. johnharvey1

    Kalmah Live Videos

    Most videos from this Russian Concert are good, here's a couple
  8. johnharvey1

    Kalmah Live Videos

    no best video quality , but I think the sound is good, check it out........ Wings of Blackening Live
  9. johnharvey1

    Kalmah Live Videos

    We need a thread comprising videos of Kalmah Live. If anyone's got any good quality or interesting footage of Kalmah, please post: Here's one new video to start. Not the best quality, but good atmosphere
  10. johnharvey1

    What the hell is this?

    Guessing it's a book comprising all the booklets within each album cd case ?
  11. johnharvey1

    Bands similiar to Kalmah

    I've got another band that sounds similar to Kalmah. It's 'Solerrain', and their new album. It's pretty awesome, and the album art is cool too. You guys should definately check these guys out. Here's a few tracks.......
  12. johnharvey1

    Bands similiar to Kalmah

    I've been Listening to this band for a few months called "SunLess Rise". I think they sound a tiny bit like Kalmah. You guys should check them out. Here are a couple tracks:
  13. johnharvey1

    Kalmah at Metalcamp

    Thanks guys, the videos are great, good work...........
  14. johnharvey1

    Kalmah at Metalcamp

    Please Kalmah........, we need part 2
  15. johnharvey1

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    I understand that this is a children of bodom cover thread, but I thought considering the size of this thread, I'd post my Warmen cover here, as the bands are well associated. This is me playing Beyond Abilities by Warmen. I know it's not 100% perfect, but nothing is. I'm interested in what you...
  16. johnharvey1

    Kalmah at Metalcamp

    The new live footage is great, the best I've ever seen of the band. Please bring more........
  17. johnharvey1

    A little something I'd like to ask...

    yes....., come to Australia, I agree. Also, since this is somewhat a question kind of thread, I wanted to ask. Does anyone on this forum know of some decent footage of Kalmah playing live? I've seen the Spinfest and some newer Russian vids, but there's nothing really of high quality...
  18. johnharvey1

    Band Demo's and Stuff :)

    This isn't my music, but I came across this new Russian band recently called Sunless Rise. I think there pretty damn good, and they need promoting, you should check this video out.
  19. johnharvey1

    12 Gauge video

    Seeing this is kind of a video section, I'II post here. This is a short video, but with pretty good sound of Kalmah, Hook the Monster Live.
  20. johnharvey1

    Kalmah Fan Covers

    Ok, I finally finished my Heritance of Berija cover. I did this video using After Effects, Photoshop, and Imovie. This time I went for the full out artistic type cover, collaborating everything about Kalmah. I've alway's liked Kalmah's album art and music, so bringing together the two was...