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  1. AlexJacobii

    Ascension signs with Spiritual Beast Records

    Their album comes out March 21st in Japan. I'm not sure if their album sampler is still on youtube or not but from what I heard it is fantastic with both new and old songs. The first single of their new album "Far Beyond the Stars" is linked below
  2. AlexJacobii

    New Ascension Track!

    I should have made this thread about 4 hours ago but I am lazy so it did not happen! Anyways Ascension put a new track up on youtube from their upcoming album "Far Beyond the Stars" which was produced by Grammy nominated producer and guitarist Mr. Andy LaRocque from King Diamond and a few other...
  3. AlexJacobii

    Where Dragons Rule

    There used to be a thread discussing this song and we somehow managed to get Steve to reveal the original lyrics. It got deleted due to age I guess. I remember a few of us asked if anyone had the demo version and I do not remember anyone ever finding it, well here it is if there is still...
  4. AlexJacobii

    Check out this band please!

    Some of the greatest unsigned Power Metal musicians, Ascension. They are releasing their first album soon and put up a sampler track on their myspace. Steve knows them and can tell you about them from personal experience if he feels like it. They are similar to PQ in the way they interact with...
  5. AlexJacobii

    Never recieved activation e-mail

    I made this account a while ago and it never got activated. Was I supposed to get an e-mail to do this?