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  1. KHE

    KHE Amplifier-Cabinet-Selector | ACS 4x2 | ACS 8x4

    approved by the boss!
  2. KHE

    KHE Amplifier-Cabinet-Selector | ACS 4x2 | ACS 8x4

    Clifton Miles from Tonecrate Kemper Profiles did a short review on his ACS8x4: let me know if you guys have any questions regarding the switchers! :)
  3. KHE

    KHE Amplifier-Cabinet-Selector | ACS 4x2 | ACS 8x4

    Hi my friends, long time no see, hope you all are doing well! Markus here from KHE Audio Electronics, a newly founded 1-man company for Audio Electronic Products, located in Switzerland. I’d like to present you guys my first product, which was released yesterday: The KHE Amplifier Cabinet...
  4. KHE

    Axess CFX4 Function Switcher Custom Cable

    i haven't found the pinout of the "custom" jack on the CFX4. my solution would be a custom breakout cable: 7pin DIN (jsx) to 3x mono jack. just checked the JSX schematic, the wiring on the 7pin footswitch jack on the JSX should be: fx-loop: connect PIN4 to PIN2 clean: connect PIN5 to PIN2...
  5. KHE

    Started building my (small) studio

    studio gets closed :'( sad to see. ¯\(°_o)/¯
  6. KHE

    Weird issue w/ Reaper- soft 'pop' at the beginning of renders

    once i had a simliar problem - turns out it was because of a plugin bypass-automation right at the beginning. go to the action-menu and run envelopes: show all envelopes for all tracks to check if there is any unwanted automation going on.
  7. KHE

    How early do you go for samples?

    sounds great mva801! thanks for the details. i guess it's one of the higher end kick pads from roland? (kd140 / kd120, pretty expensive) 1+ to everything you said about workflow with kickpads. another advantage is that you finally can use the low-end on the room-mics :) can you share a clip of...
  8. KHE

    How early do you go for samples?

    can you explain the setup you use? i tried couple different setups, kickpads, pearl trutrac,but was not 100% happy. especially the drummers complained about the feel of the kickpad compared of a real kick. (i can imagine its hard if you never played on a kickpad before). how do you handle it...
  9. KHE

    awesome tutorials (1 minute mixing madness)

    just stumbled across this youtube-channel. best mixing tutorials i've ever watched. i thought i share it with you.
  10. KHE

    Crit my blackened Lovecraftian punk mix.

    wrong sub forum
  11. KHE

    Audified STA effects 2

    here you can get the 49$ STA Delay for free: (check out the free bass- and gtr-amp-sim as well)
  12. KHE

    How to edit/glue/render samples faster in Reaper?

    thanks, sounds great! very detailed sampling!
  13. KHE

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    just orderd slate's vms, vintage king has a few in stock... can't wait to try it!
  14. KHE

    How to edit/glue/render samples faster in Reaper?

    ctl+shift+f , batch file converter cut all the drumhits (i mostly use dynamic splitt), then add each mic/drum- into the batchfile converter to auto-render+autoname the items.
  15. KHE

  16. KHE

    My 5150 has died... Help?

    try to short the serial fx-loop-jacks with a short patchcable. i had a couple peavey-amps with bad jacks on the bench in the past... maybe it just something like this.
  17. KHE

    Free Snare Sample

    thanks man! sounds great, esp. the room! any infos about it?
  18. KHE

    Noise Invader - A new freeware VST Noise Gate I've just developed

    32bit says VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing (win7)... any idea?
  19. KHE

    MF400 cab broken in at last

    i'm sure you recorded pre- and post clips, can you post them? thanks!
  20. KHE

    Dbeat/grindcore with no guitars

    this is awesome! i'd just push the snare more upfront, needs a bit more punch imho. shwit shwit doesen't bother me, i didn't even notice it until you pointed it out.