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    Nevermore Live in Brazil.

    I went to the Nevermore concert on Saturday, and it was really great!! Definetely one of the best concerts i've ever been to!!
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    For female Nevermore fans only......

    Definetly Warrel!! He's SOOOOOO HOT!! ;)
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    what does "dnb" mean?

    Maybe you´ll find this question a little stupid, but anyway... :cry: I´m from Brazil so my English isn´t that good and sometimes I have some problems in understanding expressions or words used in lyrics. :confused: So, could anyone PLEASE explain to me what´s the meaning of "Dreaming Neon...
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    Which Sanctuary songs...

    I think they should play "Die for my sins" and "Future Tense"! :)
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    First Nevermore song you ever heard?

    "The Sorrowed Man". :D
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    Favorite song on Dreaming Neon Black

    My favorite song is "Beyond Within"!!
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    Fav Bands

    Dream Theater Helloween Iron Maiden Labyrinth Nevermore Nightwish Stratovarius Pain of Salvation Angra Edguy Rhapsody
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    Favorite song on Dead Heart?

    My favorite songs are The Heart Collector and Believe In Nothing!:D