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  1. motomoto

    Kostas Milonas - Imprisoned (Official Video)

    :worship: dat snare Checked the guys videos. He is one hell of a drummer.
  2. motomoto

    Will Stinnett recovers from injury

    I haven't been here for ages, and sorry if this has been posted before. Since i met Will through this remarkable forum i thought the least i could do is let you guys know that Will is ''back in business''!!!!!!!!!!!!!:Smokin: Not 100% healthy but lets hope for the best. It has been more...
  3. motomoto

    Hi gain reamp test at retro studios

    Why the fuck did i sold you my 530? It sounds too god damn awesome. I think i need to pic one up again. Cool re-amps btw:Smokedev:
  4. motomoto

    Gareth was right

    NO If someone can't stand the internetz, he shouldn't be using the internetz. If he is being a bitch about people bitching about him and his acts, then he should be a man and live with it. Someone wanna praise his work and brag about his skills?... Fine But he should learn to handle the...
  5. motomoto

    for all ath m50 headphones owners

    ^enough said +THE best buy i ever did:Smokedev:
  6. motomoto

    Music while travelling by a car ;P

  7. motomoto

    ITT we post funny pictures...

  8. motomoto

    FS: ENGL 530 preamp

    It sure is. Great unit too.Loved mine. Good luck with the sale
  9. motomoto

    FS: ENGL 530 preamp

    FWI 315 euro = 253 £ ;-)
  10. motomoto

    ITT we post funny pictures...

  11. motomoto

    ITT we post funny pictures...

  12. motomoto

    Would you trade a Fender American Standard Strat...

    A picture is a thousand words /thread
  13. motomoto

    ITT we post funny pictures...

  14. motomoto

    New Testament "The Dark Roots Of Earth" will be out on April 27th

    ABOUT FUCKIN TIME:kickass:
  15. motomoto

    PRS into 2ch Recto, no boost

    I like What pickups are in this beauty?
  16. motomoto

    Trade (Engl Blackmore for 6505/5150

    STOP TEMPTING ME and put a price on this biatch :p
  17. motomoto

    FS/FT Engl fireball + amp case EU

    Once again Buy with confidence Great guy to deal with :rock:
  18. motomoto

    FS/ FT Schecter loomis FR EU

    Buy with confidence Great guy to deal with :wave:
  19. motomoto

    ITT we post funny pictures...

  20. motomoto

    The Best Live Albums thread
