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  1. ziltoid

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    just giving a response like the kid i am
  2. ziltoid

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    yes i'm just a kid, up laiho! i just got the tatoos in my hands... oh arcane if could only be like you.. uploading videos to youtube, really i'm your fan
  3. ziltoid

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    The thing is that with bloddrunk with their dropped c songs they turned into a stupid metalcore grindcore band instead of the revolutionary band with a non classic classical metal style, i know that is more the song writing than the tuning, as a response to the asshole who said that, but dropped...
  4. ziltoid

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    Let's get back to the D tuned guitar guys
  5. ziltoid

    New Children of Bodom vs Old Children of Bodom. The Argument.

    As the previous comment stated, there are a lot of discussion among that, to simplify it, i think that they were an awesome original kickass metal band, now they are just a copy of a grind american band to sympathize North America, i hope that they return towards their roots in the next album
  6. ziltoid

    Symphony X with an orchestra? Your thoughts...

    This would be awesome
  7. ziltoid


    Great album
  8. ziltoid

    The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

    at 2006 "Everytime i die" but i didn't liked then, wasn't 'till '08 that i heard bloodrunk and i started to like the band and i wanted to know the previous work of them. Now i hate bloodrunk, such an irony
  9. ziltoid

    Alexi and Janne Vs Argentina

    I hope they do the tour and don't cancel 'cause of the Laiho's accident
  10. ziltoid

    Children of Bodom To Argentina

    ya me surge la paranoia de no conseguir entrada
  11. ziltoid

    Children of Bodom To Argentina

  12. ziltoid

    COB to tour South America

  13. ziltoid

    Children of Bodom To Argentina

    VIENE COB?? CUANDO?????????????'
  14. ziltoid

    Children of Bodom To Argentina

    creo que no serviria de mucho, están haciendo guita en los "states" asi que dudo que se interesen por los tercermundistas... pero bueno, esl o que nos toca
  15. ziltoid

    Children of Bodom To Argentina

    I meant is not cheap. Many people as me can't pay that kind of trips
  16. ziltoid

    Children of Bodom To Argentina

    is not a bad country just because COB doesn't come, and even if we want, is not so easy you know?
  17. ziltoid

    Children of Bodom To Argentina

    They have enough money to come here, so that couldn't be a problem. Bands that make less money than COB have come, so...
  18. ziltoid

    Children of Bodom songs you DON'T like

    Well actually i like some parts of Hellbounds and smile pretty.... but i can't listen the others, it's just not COB to me
  19. ziltoid

    Future "Bodom" song names

    Blood over Bodom Yeah i know is pure shit...