Search results

  1. Executioner213

    Selling a Fender 5 string Jazz Bass, Will ship ($400)

    I see not this bass....?
  2. Executioner213

    Any pro sounding mix with Zombass or any other bass VSTi?

    Have you ever listened to stems from Judas Priest - Painkiller? :err:
  3. Executioner213

    Deep Demonic Speaking Effect? - COF Queen of Winter, Throned

    Ok...on another note...anyone know how to pull off that Doug Bradley (Hellraiser) effect, since COF are notorious for having him on stuff doing his Pinhead voice?
  4. Executioner213

    Anyone want to try to cut some vocals? (DM style)

    Email/PM xxDecimationxx for more info on this, since he joined the forum for this. It's his band, I vouch for him.
  5. Executioner213

    Anyone want to try to cut some vocals? (DM style) Looking for someone to spit some vocals on this. This band is from Montana. I tracked this 2 years ago, and it's just been sitting on the shelf waiting for vocals. I'd like to get this off my plate, and I'm sure the band would...
  6. Executioner213

    Late 80's/90's death metal amp list!

    ADA MP-1 Peavey Rockmaster Don't know how many 80's/90's death metal bands used it, but Nevermore used a Mesa Triaxis on Dreaming Neon Black, if '99 counts.
  7. Executioner213

    Thin lizzy collaboration

    Dragonlord also did a version of Emerald. I played on a cover of Waiting For An Alibi before. Hit me up if you need guitar/bass on anything.
  8. Executioner213

    Request: Anyone got drum tracks I can edit for practice?

    Cool, I'll take a whack at it. Thanks.
  9. Executioner213

    Request: Anyone got drum tracks I can edit for practice?

    I'd be willing to give it a go. Hook me up.
  10. Executioner213

    Request: Anyone got drum tracks I can edit for practice?

    Yeah...aren't the drums already edited to perfection on this?
  11. Executioner213

    Request: Anyone got drum tracks I can edit for practice?

    Been a while since I've been on the forum... I just got Cubase 6.5 kickin, so now I want to practice doing some quantizing on multi-tracked drums to get the hang of using it before I start offering it as a service. Before anyone says "use the search function", I want to work on some drum tracks...
  12. Executioner213

    Any info on "Koloss" production?

    I like the album but my biggest complaint is that the faster kick parts are a little low-end heavy, and are a bit overwhelming at times. Otherwise, it's great. The included dvd was pretty cool.
  13. Executioner213

    Re-amping without a Reamp box ?

    Do you have a DI? Just run it backwards. Problem solved.
  14. Executioner213

    Free Soundtoys plugin, heres the link...

    I couldn't get to work in chrome, was totally spacing that I should just use IE to make sure it was up to date. Once I got it set up, the link was dead. Dammit.
  15. Executioner213

    My 5150 Re-tubing Adventure.

    So, I got my new tubes over the weekend. Finally got to do my "Tasty Choice" shootout to pick what I was going to have in them. To start with, my 5150 had JJ's in the Power and Preamp section of the amp. I didn't actually look to see what was going on in the first place, and just assumed I'd...
  16. Executioner213

    The Systematic Mixing Guide - NOW OUT!

    Bought and paid for....can't wait to dive in further than the first few pages, as I did last night.
  17. Executioner213

    Help me put this guitar together (need ideas)

    I have an early 80's Kramer strat-style guitar. I don't really know if it's a Striker or Baretta or whatever. It was pink/purple pearlescent until about 2 years ago when my Dad had his body shop friend repaint it to a solid white. He wanted me to help him figure out what to revamp it with...but...
  18. Executioner213

    (Peavey JSX) "Clean/Bypass": please explain.

    I looked at that in the Manual before, but for some reason that didn't make sense. I don't know why it does now. I kinda think thats a stupid running order, especially with using a 7-pin cable system, but whatever.
  19. Executioner213

    (Peavey JSX) "Clean/Bypass": please explain.

    I guess a suitable answer to this could come from a TripleX user as well, since the switching is all the same apparently. I am trying to help figure out building a cable for channel switching a JSX with a GCX. While looking at all this, the original pedal has the following: Ultra -...
  20. Executioner213

    Doom Project! Sunn o))) inspired!

    I've been pretty sparse on here lately, but I could probably get back into this. Dan, add me on FB if you'd like ( Might need a fire under my ass, since I've got stuff on my plate at the moment, but I'm always down to collab.