Search results

  1. G

    Best Opeth Song Moment

    The end of April Ethereal. The rain was waving goodbye and onward. Nothing compares to the end of this song. Deliverance. The beginning. Just awesome. The solo. The 'chorus'. Best song of all time. Wreath. 7:30 to 8:35. I love solos. :) Ghost. Keeper of holy hoards. The last half of Leper...
  2. G

    The Opeth Collector's Thread

    Scored a limited copy of Morningrise. The one in the tin. I had no idea it was the LE version & it only cost A$4.50 (US $3?) including post. When I pulled it out of the postage wrapping I came so close to :Puke: ing.
  3. G

    Have you ever?

    TNATSW @ Camden. I had it in the car & my mate had never heard Opeth before. His reaction at the start was a very quiet delayed pause, like he was shitting himself (hope not). Took him a few seconds to say something lol. Probably not epileptic but close enough.
  4. G

    How long did it take...

    Being a late bloomer, I heard this incredible song being played on Chronix, called Deliverance. My initial thought was 'wow this song is so fucking beautifully brutal!', and jotted it down in notepad to find out more about this band. A few days later I turned on the radio & within a minute...
  5. G

    Top 5 Favourite Opeth Songs

    The Night and the Silent Water Ghost of Perdition Serenity Painted Death Baying of the Hounds April Ethereal Changes all the time. I will have to go with Black Rose Immortal as probably the best overall song. It's diversity is unmatched by any other song (duh). Advent is also right up there. Of...