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  1. L

    Can't wait

    They are in the process of working on a new one I've heard. I heard of some talk of them wanting to get Matt Smith to do a song on side project 'Ayreon' like album. I wonder if he's heard of Shadow Gallery.
  2. L

    Happy Birthday Matt!

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!
  3. L

    Clay As Guest Vocalist on New Shadow Gallery CD

    I picked it up as well. Clay's voice fit perfectly with Shadow Gallery. I don't think the lyrics were that bad at all ;) I know this album is going to grow on me with every listen. Of course with shadow Gallery it takes like a thousand listens to comprehend all of it! haha
  4. L

    The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

    Hey guys. New 'Shadow Gallery' album 'Digital ghosts' is out now. I'm listening to it right now :rock: :rock: :rock: It's awesome. Lovin the new singer Brian Ashland!
  5. L

    Clay As Guest Vocalist on New Shadow Gallery CD

    Haha I just preordered on Amazon! Shadow Gallery uploaded a new full song on Myspace called “Gold Dust”. Got some other stuff for you guys too ;) Shadow Gallery's myspace (so you can hear the new song) Shadow Gallery's Gary...
  6. L

    The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

    Just found out about the new “Shadow Gallery” prog-metal album coming out in like 2 weeks. I pre-ordered it on along with Transatlantic’s new cd ;) The new cd ‘Digital Ghosts’ by SG is out Oct 23rd in the states and Nov. 3 in the states. They haave a new...
  7. L

    Shadow gallery - Digital Ghosts

    You guys have to play the new 'Shadow Gallery album 'Digital Ghosts' song Golddust and whatever else you can get your hands on. I REALLy want to hear the new album so bad. I've been listening to the clips they have around a bunch of times. Their new album is coming out to the states on Nov. 3rd...
  8. L

    Yeah! new Shadow gallery Album - New Audio ;)

    Hello fellow metalheads. new Shadow gallery album is coming out with their new singer. Their old singer Mike Baker died in Nov. ;( But they have a friggin awesome new singer it sounds like plus new heavier music i've heard. I attached the PR. Go here for more sounds clips...