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  1. JayB

    Black Metal Recording Question

    Hey no problem. Not sure if you're aware but Slate Trigger 2 has the ability to like run your live drums through the plugin and it records it as MIDI data, which is great for situations like you describe where you need to do heavy edits but it' sounding fake. Then you can use the samples in...
  2. JayB

    Black Metal Recording Question

    also just fyi you can upload stuff to Soundcloud and share it that way
  3. JayB

    Black Metal Recording Question

    listening on crappy headphones at the moment but I like the guitar sound. It has some balls to it and doesn't have scratchy high end that I can hear. I agree the drums sound a bit lifeless, can't tell if it's samples or like the other dude said how there's just hardly any cymbals or toms. The...
  4. JayB

    Feedback? My cover of Killswitch Engage's Alone I Stand

    I'm pretty damn happy with this mix right now, but I wanted to see what you guys think of it, any constructive criticism is always welcome! Thanks guys!
  5. JayB

    Need opinions on this mix - Killswitch Engage - A Bid Farewell Cover

    Btw, are you saying to low cut the main guitars at 4-6K? That seems SUPER low. Most people I know do it around 8 k, which I did in this updated mix
  6. JayB

    Need opinions on this mix - Killswitch Engage - A Bid Farewell Cover

    Updated Mix: Let me know your thoughts. incorporated the opinions from this thread
  7. JayB

    Need opinions on this mix - Killswitch Engage - A Bid Farewell Cover

    Thanks, I'm opening the mix now with my good headphones on and I'm gonna take another crack at it with these notes in mind!
  8. JayB

    Need opinions on this mix - Killswitch Engage - A Bid Farewell Cover

    Well damn. No monitors right now. I have audio technica MTH-150s, don't use em often cause they're uncomfortable to me. I'm remixing it tonight and I'll take all these opinions into account. Can you give me any kind of helpful info, like what exactly you don't like? Certain frequency ranges that...
  9. JayB

    Need opinions on this mix - Killswitch Engage - A Bid Farewell Cover

    also, do you mean just the guitars, or the drums and everything else also?
  10. JayB

    Need opinions on this mix - Killswitch Engage - A Bid Farewell Cover

    Thanks! I'll redo the guitars on this. I'm glad it's the guitars and not the drum and bass that are the problem, because those are usually what I have trouble with lol.
  11. JayB

    Need opinions on this mix - Killswitch Engage - A Bid Farewell Cover

    Thanks for the feedback man! Yeah I was watching some tutorials and trying to take the bass out of the guitars and have the actual bass take up that frequency range, but yeah I feel the same way, the guitars are too thin and trebly.
  12. JayB

    Need opinions on this mix - Killswitch Engage - A Bid Farewell Cover

    Any constructive criticism definitely appreciated! Thanks!
  13. JayB

    Mix feedback wanted. Rusty as hell and need help balancing this mix to get it louder.

    Thanks! The last mix I posted on here everyone said was too muddy and bass heavy, so I guess I went too far in the other direction. Aside from that how does it sound? I'll up the kick and bass
  14. JayB

    Mix feedback wanted. Rusty as hell and need help balancing this mix to get it louder.

    Updated mix: The last one I did was way too bass heavy which was making everything muddy. Now I feel like the guitar is a bit too treble-y, and maybe I need to reduce the mids more on the sim also? And bring the bass up maybe? Anytime I try to bring the bass up it seems to overtake the...
  15. JayB

    Critique my mix (Fear Factory Archetype Guitar Cover)

    Lol yeah I'm still learning. The drums are from a guitar pro file so they are very robotic sounding obviously. But I would like to learn how to craft a better snare sound. I used a different snare in the mix I just posted above.
  16. JayB

    Critique my mix (Fear Factory Archetype Guitar Cover)

    Can you elaborate on the balancing issues? Also check the new mix I just posted and let me know your thoughts. I hi passed the guitars way more to allow the bass to shine and so there's not overwhelming low end. Also hi passed other stuff like kick and toms more.
  17. JayB

    Critique my mix (Fear Factory Archetype Guitar Cover)

    Thanks for the insight! I realized after listening on better headphones that there was way too much bass as well. I really noticed it when trying to apply a limiter and make it loud, all those low end frequencies were just overwhelming everything. I did a relatively quick remix the other day...
  18. JayB

    Critique my mix (Fear Factory Archetype Guitar Cover)

    Hey guys, been a while since I've had time to really practice mixing. Anyway here is the link to it on Soundcloud. I also have it on Google Drive, I'm not sure what the preferred method of sharing mp3s is on these forums nowadays.
  19. JayB

    Critique my mix (Fear Factory Archetype Guitar Cover)

    Hey guys, been a while since I've had time to really practice mixing. Anyway here is the link to it on Soundcloud. I also have it on Google Drive, I'm not sure what the preferred method of sharing mp3s is on these forums nowadays.
  20. JayB

    Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

    Yeah I was recently playing the Lego Batman 2, Marvel Super Heroes and Pirates of the Caribbean ones and they can be pretty damn hard.