Search results

  1. Mr. Black

    Best Black Metal band

    mortiis makes the list but no satyricon, thorns or dodheimsgard...pah!
  2. Mr. Black

    ATTACKED by my pizza!

    and i'm sure you could give a master class you piggly son of a whore...
  3. Mr. Black

    what do you do?

    i occasionally go to university (1st yr Bristol, History)...but i mostly sleep, drink, listen to music, watch films, and waste time ont' int'net...
  4. Mr. Black

    opeth in leeds?

    same here...i've got 5 exams in the week opeth are last exam being the morning after their last concern...maybe i'll phone the examinations office and ask them to let me missed the last exam on compassionate grouns :(
  5. Mr. Black

    The problem with Tool

    some of tools lyrics aren't great, although, but i think the music is great, and thats what i listen to it for...most of my favourite bands have pretty bad lyrics, with probably only the exception of opeth...good lyrics aren't really what i look for...and to be fair you havn't exactly pick their...
  6. Mr. Black

    Is Slipknot metal?

    yeah, i bet when you were 8 i beat you writting your own zine, and involved with all sorts of underground bands...fucking idiot
  7. Mr. Black

    Is Slipknot metal?

    why are you arguing with me? i'm agreeing with you, you fucking spastic
  8. Mr. Black

    Is Slipknot metal?

    i never realised slipknot were so edgy, controversial, and genre defying...i might have to listen to them more, all this time i just got the impression they were a bog standard mainstream metal band...
  9. Mr. Black

    Is Slipknot metal?

    better right a letter to darkthrone telling them they're only 'black-hardrock' and not black metal... seriously, they are metal...if you cant deal with it then i would suggest that you are so totally pathetic that you should be killed for some metal is crap, deal!
  10. Mr. Black

    Is Slipknot metal?

    this is really weak
  11. Mr. Black

    downloading vs buying

    i d/l use to see what somethings like...if i like it i buy the cd, if not i delete it...videos, films, software etc. i feel fine about ripping off, but i actually care about the music i listen to so i want to have the cd with the artwork, lyrics etc.
  12. Mr. Black

    NUDE Pictures of Alley Baggett

    wondered the same thing myself..
  13. Mr. Black

    Opeth Pledge Turkey by 2004

    yeah...if Opeth don't do a drum and bass remixes album soon, well i'm just going to lose interest really...jungle beats is the way forward for any self respecting prog metal outfit...
  14. Mr. Black

    Introducing To Lithuanian Metal

    i'll check out some of those later and tell you want i think...i'm about to go on a bit of a d/ling a list of about 30 bands i want to hear stuff from, and the uni only lets d/l from audiogalaxy between 1am and 6am...
  15. Mr. Black

    Opeth Bonus Tracks... Any good?

    the bonus tracks aren't great to be honest...
  16. Mr. Black

    Hello. (plus a new Opeth interview)

    nice interview dude..cheers
  17. Mr. Black

    what does "lament" mean?

    the simple answer is that hes a fat recluse for whom the only feeling of worth and power he can get in his miserable life is by insulting ppl on the internet...maybe one day he'll brush the kentucky fried chicken crubs out of his bum-fluff beard and venture outside to insult ppl in real life...
  18. Mr. Black

    Album Length

    i've got 8 minute long EPs which are too long, and 80 minute albums which are too album is not something which can be messured in minutes and someone just mentioned, reign in blood is less than 30 minutes long...anyone who wants to say thats a bad album can go suck my...
  19. Mr. Black

    Tori Amos' version of Slayer's "Raining Blood"

    "I just imagined a huge juicy vagina coming out of the sky, raining blood over all those racist, misogynist fuckers." [Tori Amos; Spin Magazine, Oct 2001] she's a funny girl...
  20. Mr. Black

    Tori Amos' version of Slayer's "Raining Blood"

    i haven't listen to that album in ages...i think i'll have to do that now...