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  1. xTomx

    Getting Started With Producing Music?
  2. xTomx

    Single I just finished mixing for a Hardcore band! (Crit!)

    Samples are too obvious, more raw snare/kick would be cool.
  3. xTomx

    Hardcore - Hollow Ground - Ill Fate Mix

    Drum samples are laughably obvious, rest of it is cool!
  4. xTomx

    Updated 27" Retina 5K iMac

    I have the 5k iMac and love it. Massively less fatiguing to stare at all day and silly powerful. Unless you're at the upper echelons of the audio world, you don't need Thunderbolt 3.
  5. xTomx


    Don't even look directly at the MG, and would agree with the consensus of holding out something decent. Buying TRULY shit gear like the aforementioned is false economy.
  6. xTomx

    TLM103 vs KM184. Worth trading?

    ^. I personally hate TLM 103s for the intended role, and love 184 for typical OH duties but they're very different animals.
  7. xTomx

    Quadtracking, really worth it?

    Totally part dependant. I play in a pop-rock band (Taking Back Sunday etc) and we just recorded a song with two meaty distorted sides (Les Paul through a Marshall Plexi, 1960B, AEA+ Royer mics) + Two jangly upper mid sides (Tele through a Bad Cat, Ampeg cab, 421s). Only worth while doing...
  8. xTomx

    Hughes & Kettner Trilogy Head for sale (UK)

    Fucking love this amp but I'm poor and don't use it much. Sadly discontinued and hard to get nowadays. Works perfectly, just the usual scratches on the tolex etc from a couple tours a few years ago. Super versatile amp, designed to basically be an AC30, JCM 800 and Soldano/5150 in one...
  9. xTomx

    real drums, dual rectifier, 4x12. rate it!

    By real drums do you mean real cymbals?
  10. xTomx

    Worst Guitar Tones in a Professional Recording.

    Taking Back Sunday - 'Tell All Your Friends'. Bad edits, horrible mix, shitty MIDI instruments. They redeemed themselves with Louder now though. All 90's hardcore.
  11. xTomx

    Carpet Cloud Ceiling - Would it work?

    Will only make the room worse. Build some acoustic Rockwool panels, easy as hell. Maybe even float one of those if you're brave and confident of your workmanship.
  12. xTomx

    Robotic Microphone Mounts

    Sam Pura/Eric Valentine's one looked cool
  13. xTomx

    New Macbook Pro. How to handle file management?

    Internal will be fine but might want to move projects to an external one of performance ever starts to choke or you're recording high track counts
  14. xTomx

    Which monitors and where to buy em?

    Former D5 owner here: Bought them when they were first announced, used the for a year in a few different rooms and tried REALLY hard to convince myself they were good and to justify the purchase. They're not great - the stereo imaging is the sole good thing about them. They're super mid rangey...
  15. xTomx

    Indie Mix In Progress

    Link doesn't work
  16. xTomx

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Got an old 1991 Peavey Classic 50w head. Massively underrated - my favourite clean tone I've got. Guy selling it threw in a DIY cab with some supper old Celestial Vintage 30s - they sound really different to the ones in my Zilla. Family photo:
  17. xTomx

    TonePort UX8 extreme hum on outputs for re-amping.

    TonePort is a turd but you realise you need a Reamping box of some sort? You can't just send line level outputs into an instrument input and expect good results...
  18. xTomx

    The new JAY MAAS Signature Series Sample Library featuring SJC Drums!

    One of my favourite engineers, looks cool.
  19. xTomx

    (UK, Selling) Peavey 6505+ Head.

    Looking to either sell, trade for an EVH 5150 50W or anything else reasonable. Super good condition, couple tiny nicks on the tolex and scuffs on the metal grill.
  20. xTomx

    Quest for new monitors

    SE Munro Egg 150s. Seem gimmicky at a glance but they sound incredible and translate really well.