Search results

  1. genocide roach

    Rumors and Goodbye

    It has come to my attention that there is a lot of discussion and rumors about me going on and I’m going to stop them. They weren’t made solely by one person, so this isn’t an attack. Let’s just straighten everything out. First off, i left UM and the internet by choice. My wife didn’t make...
  2. genocide roach

    looking for a love/celebration song

    Im getting married and her family is jewish. Being the huge metal nerd that i am i'm trying to find an orphaned land song to play at the reception. Any ideas? ~gR~
  3. genocide roach

    oh hai

    *waves* Been gone a while. Tdy again. Lots of cool stuff going on, like the anaal nathrakh interview. Oh, and im getting married. I havnt officially proposed, but she found out i was planning it and said yes. Im still gonna propose like i planned though. To good of a plan not too ~gR~
  4. genocide roach

    i guess macabre has a new song to write

    posting this outside of the news thread because only a handfull of people actually read it ~gR~
  5. genocide roach

    new gorgoroth album announced

    pest on vocals eh? hmmmmm ~gR~
  6. genocide roach

    RIP Les Paul ~gR~
  7. genocide roach

    brutal legend a metal based fantasy game. this could be way awesome, or totally lame... i'm hoping for awesome though. the sound track is pretty alright too. has some lame hair stuff, but also enslaved and emperor. even bands like budgie so dodens can enjoy it...
  8. genocide roach

    bands that get on EVERY tour

    why the fuck does this keep happening? right now its toxic holocaust. before that it was cattle decapitation... i'm really tired of seeing toxic holocaust play their crappy thrash on tours where it doesnt even fit. why in the name of satan are they playing with satyricon and chthonic? *insert...
  9. genocide roach

    the proper use of keyboards

    keyboards are a touchy subject, i know... but how should a band best use them? background? melody? do you think they need to be in the entire song to work? or used sparingly for special accent ~gR~
  10. genocide roach


    or sharing beer hahahaha ~gR~
  11. genocide roach

    Anaal Nathrakh – In the Constellation of the Black Widow

    Anaal Nathrakh – In the Constellation of the Black Widow Candlelight – 29 Jun 2009 by Ryan Starr I hope that Anaal Nathrakh doesn’t need an introduction these days. Honestly, I would hope that any fan of extreme metal would automatically go buy this album. In any case, if you were...
  12. genocide roach

    Eternal Deformity – Frozen Circus

    Eternal Deformity – Frozen Circus Code666 – 18 Mar 2008 by Ryan Starr I typically like to check the archives before I get a band’s CD to review. According to the archives Eternal Deformity are a doom/avant garde band. When I saw that I about shit myself, being a big fan of experimental...
  13. genocide roach

    why cant we have this in the US? ~gR~
  14. genocide roach

    Live instruments required for live shows?

    long story short i ended up seeing a DJ/VJ live (mike relm). he had a video set up going where he could play and manipulate video with his (semi original) music. this got me thinking, about the applications for metal. using videos and music set lighting for the visual aspect of a show, all human...
  15. genocide roach

    ASPEN TRACK DONE! still a little tweaking left to do for the CD version. but i think it came out well ~gR~
  16. genocide roach

    new kastigation songs posted

  17. genocide roach

    new kastigation songs posted

    sorry for the spam, check em out please ~gR~
  18. genocide roach

    the sludge/southern metal thread

    one more effort to bring attention to the board. so what are your favorites of the style? i'm a big fan of acid bath, soilent green, and the latest work by phazm. also the more artsy sludge like mouth of the architect. you can see the review of the phazm here...
  19. genocide roach

    is vista stable yet?

    looking for a new laptop finally. is vista still having problems? ~gR~
  20. genocide roach

    Phazm – Cornerstone of the Macabre

    Phazm – Cornerstone of the Macabre Osmose – 16 Sep 2008 by Ryan Starr How does a band from France all of a sudden start playing with a NOLA sound? Furthermore, how do they do it so well? It seems like the NOLA sound is becoming increasingly popular in Europe, and Phazm were certainly a...