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  1. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    News Regarding Power of Omens

    Sad indeed, especially when one considers we were essentially only two songs away from a complete disc, yet seemingly couldn't come together if nothing else but for the long time fans that deserve it. It's difficult to see (from my eyes) how I was part of a "scaled down" less dedicated...
  2. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    My Solo (New Age/Flamenco) CD... completed

    Any chance of me getting a promo copy once it's mixed, Dave? :P Chris H.
  3. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    This one is for Chris H.

    Thank you for that, Saki. I will have to go back now and listen to it to see what you're hearing. I am thankful that there are people around who use the words "prettiest" and "beautiful" to describe my basslines. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.:blush: ~CH EDIT: Ah. The tapping...
  4. Chris H. -Power of Omens


    I'm with Dave on this one. We all want this next CD to be as perfect as it can be... And if things keep progressing in the vein they are right now, it's gonna be damn close. :grin: CH
  5. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Hey Derron!!

    I'd like to go this year, so I will seriously consider it...we'll see:Smug:
  6. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    This one is for Chris H.

    LOL. Why, the Pink Boa of course! :loco: As far as tone/equipment- For the CD, I was using two basses- My Ibanez SR1306 (6 string) and my Conklin GT7 (7 string). Both have their positives and negatives when it comes to tone...the 1306 is punchy as hell, but has a tendancy to be a little...
  7. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Hey Derron!!

    First of all, Derron, you shouldn't be blabbing about our encounter. You're the one that wanted to audition "privately". All that talk about really wanting "THE PART" got it and now see what happens? You've broken the golden rule when it comes to visiting the casting couch. Tsk Tsk...
  8. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Globaldust - online global fanbase thingy

    I see Clay Aiken has 1211 fans...make that 1212 now. Woohoo Clay! You rock! Damnit Dave, I knew we should've really gone after him...just think what it might have been like...
  9. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    It's on Ebay Again....

    *Ahem* Dallas 4eva bro... Don't hate the player, hate the game! :loco:
  10. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Now it's my turn to wish Mr. Herring a Happy Birthday!!!

    ROTFLMAO...Newbs don't have birthdays!!:hypno: :grin: :Spin:
  11. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Now it's my turn to wish Mr. Herring a Happy Birthday!!!

    Awww, it makes me feel all tingly (in a purely hetrosexual way) to have you guys wishing me the best today. I truly appreciate it! Oh, and Jax, you can leave your hat on :blush: CH.
  12. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    A little early, but I'm tired! Everyone Wish Mr. Gallegos a Happy Birthday!!!

    Happy Birthday, Dave...the next year promises to be much better than the last!!! :Spin: Don't hurt yourself blowing out the candles :hotjump: !! Chris H
  13. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Train of Thought

    Shhhhhhhhhh!!! Thou dost give away too much! ;)
  14. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Keyboardist & Vocalist Progress?

    I'm not against female vocalists. I do think I'd be concerned (or scared...LOL) if we stumbled across a female that could hit some of Chris' low notes :) As far as the concept idea, well, that's not my job ;) I'll leave that up to the vocalist to "pen the tale" so to speak. Feel free to...
  15. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Keyboardist & Vocalist Progress?

    Hey Omensgirl- I'm not Dave, but I hope you won't mind me putting in my .02 on this one :) We've kinda got a few irons in the fire so to speak. We're also still accepting applicants as well of course. We want to make sure that whomever steps into the band is the right person...and that we...
  16. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Please Help Us In Welcoming.....

    R O T F L M M F A O
  17. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Sad News

    OK... this keeps up much longer and I'll have to print up the entire thread and wallpaper my office with it ;) LOL. CH
  18. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Happy Birthday Jax!!!!!

    Just wanna let you know that we're thinking bout ya! Hope you have a great one, and be sure to wish for a killer next CD for us (cuz we all know it's gonna happen anyway :) ) Chris H
  19. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Sad News

    Wow, I'm truly honored (and intimidated at the same time :) )... No Michael Manring or Stu Hamm listed? I beat out those dudes? Surely you jest (although I'll take the great compliment)!! Chris H
  20. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Sad News

    That's only as long as it doesn't interfere with my Poison tribute band...LMFAO.