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  1. Nugent Goes AOL

    Reasons not to like Opeth

    Its funny, I don't really like them that much anymore, even though I'm on this forum all the time.
  2. Nugent Goes AOL

    Visiting Norway

    Yo... I'm about to leave for a mammoth 5-week tour of Europe, including Norway and Sweden. I'll be seeing Stockholm, Oslo, and Bergen. I was wondering a few things...if there are any natives that could help me with this, that would be great... 1) What is a good website to go to in searching...
  3. Nugent Goes AOL

    Death Metal

    All this from the man who got into music through Offspring less than 3 years ago. Give it time, dude...keep an open mind. Grind can be great.
  4. Nugent Goes AOL

    Death Metal

    Took me a while to get used to it. As of right now, Pig Destroyer has become one of my all-time favorite bands. Even once I started liking Nile and shit, I thought to myself, "Well, I like death metal...but I will NEVER like grindcore..." I was totally wrong. Grind rules. Just give it some...
  5. Nugent Goes AOL


    Hahahaha, that's awesome.
  6. Nugent Goes AOL


    Nope. When you get over it, listen to's even better.
  7. Nugent Goes AOL

    Marshall JCM 800

    They also used 5150's on BWP in addition to the Laneys. It says so on
  8. Nugent Goes AOL

    Marshall JCM 800

    Get a Peavey 5150. It's the bomb, Tom. Brutal distortion with screaming highs and awesome low end. If you want to hear the 5150 in action, just listen to "Blackwater Park". Carcass also uses it on "Hearwork". Those 2 albums there have some of the best guitar tone ever. I have never really...
  9. Nugent Goes AOL

    Ephel Duath! PHWOAR!

    Goddamn America. :rolleyes: I would fucking LOVE to see Ephel and Mistress. Oh well. Sounds like the show was awesome...hopefully I can catch Epehel when I'm in Italy for 10 days this July.
  10. Nugent Goes AOL

    yes..i find damnation boring!

    Yes, it is a wholly underwhelming, bland experience.
  11. Nugent Goes AOL

    Wow. This is nifty.

    Dude, did you hear about President Kennedy? He was shot. :lol:
  12. Nugent Goes AOL

    Any Agalloch Fans?

    I agree with the "arrogant", "ultra-pompous", and "take themselves way too seriously" remarks made by Blood and Fat. However, a band is allowed to do that when they ARE as good as they think they are. I love it when brilliant people are pompous...they can pull it off, and it really fucks with...
  13. Nugent Goes AOL

    Any Agalloch Fans?

    I love them. Agalloch > Opeth. *Puts on flame-retardant suit to block imminent molotov cocktails.*
  14. Nugent Goes AOL

    rate my tape

    The Smiths rule! Bravo!
  15. Nugent Goes AOL

    code666 FESTIVAL!

    I totally could imagine that it would be hard. A question, then...does Ephel Duath play live? I fucking love this band would be great to see them while I'm in Italy! Because who knows how long it will take them before a U.S. tour... Also, does Negura EVER play live?
  16. Nugent Goes AOL

    who likes Dillinger?

    Botch rules, but Dillinger is better. BBTS is boring as shit. Converge rules. Hopesfall is gay. Isis, Mastodon, Cult of Luna, early Cave In, Drowningman, etc. all rule. I mostly agree with your tastes, dude...but to say that DEP is overshadowed by a lot of these bands is wrong. Botch...
  17. Nugent Goes AOL

    code666 FESTIVAL!

    Damn, I really hope it happens. I've never been to Italy before, but I'm going to be there for 10 days in July. Emi, as you recommended, I got the new Ephel Duath and I LOOOOOOOOOOVE it! Thanks for the recommendation... Man, if this festival happens, and I get to attend, I will be soooooooo...
  18. Nugent Goes AOL

    The best cover you've ever seen,

    Woah, those 2 are awesome. I can't read the names...who are they, and is the music as good as the art?
  19. Nugent Goes AOL

    setlist info

    Combine posts 1 and 2 and you have the correct setlist. Advent was not 2 songs...they just paused in the middle.