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  1. R

    Cloud 9

    Aight guys, here's my new solo guitar/shred song. It's called Cloud 9 -- hopefully it puts you there. I was a little lax on my performance this time, but I think the musicality makes up for a little sloppiness in the performance. Make sure you stick around for the solo section...
  2. R

    Cloud 9

    Aight guys, here's my new solo guitar/shred song. It's called Cloud 9 -- hopefully it puts you there. I was a little lax on my performance this time, but I think the musicality makes up for a little sloppiness in the performance. Make sure you stick around for the solo section...
  3. R

    Cloud 9

    Aight guys, here's my new solo guitar/shred song. It's called Cloud 9 -- hopefully it puts you there. I was a little lax on my performance this time, but I think the musicality makes up for a little sloppiness in the performance. Make sure you stick around for the solo section...
  4. R

    Melodic Shred Metal

    Check it out! I'd like to hear what you think of my playing.. Any advice on how I can improve? :rock:
  5. R

    Melodic Shred Metal

    Check it out! I'd like to hear what you think of my playing.. Any advice on how I can improve? :rock:
  6. R

    Sick Melodic Shred Metal

    Check it out! I'd like to hear what you think of my playing.. Any advice on how I can improve? :rock:
  7. R

    Attention Fellow Bloggers

    I am interested in perhaps starting a UM webring of sorts, that contains the blogs and sites of other UM'ers. This would be easiest simply by linking to one another in the sidebars of our blogs or sites. That way, we can easily click over to the other sites from fellow UM'ers when we are...
  8. R

    Attention Fellow Metal/guitar BLOGGERS

    I am interested in perhaps starting a UM webring of sorts, that contains the blogs and sites of other UM'ers. This would be easiest simply by linking to one another in the sidebars of our blogs or sites. That way, we can easily click over to the other sites from fellow UM'ers when we are...
  9. R

    Music of a Shred Guitar Wannabe
  10. R

    Want to Shred? Best Way to Learn Alternate Picking.

    Guys, I know how essential shred guitar is to the metal sound. That said, I've found that by playing classical guitar pieces with a pick that I can increase my picking speed, accuracy and technique ten fold, all while learning great music that impresses virtually anyone who sees/hears it...
  11. R

    Shred Guitar for the Club

    My piece entitled "Club Shred." Basically what I was shooting for here was to blend the techno pop style of Marty Friedman (in his later years) with the melodic sensibilities of Joe Satriani and Steve Vai, throwing in a healthy dose of alternate picked runs a la Alexi Laiho, Paul Gilbert etc...
  12. R

    In Flames Inspired Instrumental

    Hey check this out; I tried to write an instrumental in the manner of inflames. Lemme know what you think.
  13. R

    Shred Guitar Instrumental (an attempt at least)

    So I'm trying to do the solo artist thing now, since bands always end up breaking up and all my hard work comes to naught. Here's my first song I recorded today. The mix is bad, but I may remix later so I'm open to suggestions. Playing is a little sloppy at parts, but overall the package is...
  14. R

    Help me mix this song

    Hey all, I'm gonna need very high quality backing tracks for when I start playing live as a solo artist. This is a song I just recorded. Does anyone have some suggestions to throw out there on how to make this sound better? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  15. R

    Feedback on my videos

    Any recommendations for how to improve my playing and/or quality of my videos. Looking to build a presence for future solo project I'm starting up. Performance of Barrios, La Catedral clean with a pick. Excellent for alternate picking across strings...
  16. R

    Post your playing/material here

    I'm sure there are numerous other threads of the same theme but thought I'd start a new one since the other one is getting way too overloaded. My most popular video, Barrios' La Catedral: My band's promotional video of us...
  17. R

    Real Neo-Classical Guitar

  18. R

    fun string skipping exercises

    So, all the guitarists out there prolly know the importance of developing string string skipping skills in order to improve alternate picking and shred shops. However, few seem to practice exercises specifically targeting this skill. I've found that performing classical guitar pieces is one...
  19. R

    Rate my Band

    Hey guys!!! I love bodom, Alexi is one of my number one, if not THE number on influence on my playing. I'm not quite as good as him yet but am getting better check out my bands song "Rock&Roll" being performed live opening for Hammerfall in Cleveland, OH. Name of the band is INSIGNIA by the...
  20. R

    Insignia Rocks

    Hey, check out my band Insignia. We have been tearing it up around the North East Ohio area for a while now. We play a mixture of rock, metal and shred. Check us out: links to myspace youtube and blogger are in my signature. Otherwise check out the live videos. :rock: