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  1. kylendm

    MIXING TIME, SONG2: DI and Midi inside.

    Looking for a link to these Multis. Anyone have it still? :)
  2. kylendm

    Pop-Punk Style Mix

    Kinda been on a 4YS kick lately. This doesn't really sound like them but I tried to throw that heavier vibe in there. Any criticisms would be appreciated!
  3. kylendm

    Pop-punk Style Mix

    The mix feels kind of weak to me or like it's lacking something. Any advice?
  4. kylendm

    Separating Similar Instruments?

    Just curious how poeple did this. I have a couple guitars playing at the same time and I notice they kind of bury each other. I have the higher guitars hi-passed higher and low passed to give them their own space but they still get buried.
  5. kylendm

    Drum replacement requirements...

    Just know that you'll need an iLok which is another $50.
  6. kylendm

    Happy Djenty Mixy

    Latest mix
  7. kylendm

    Happy Djenty Mixy

    Thanks for the crit. I decided to have another go at it. Any suggestions?
  8. kylendm

    Zalost (Deathcore) With Mixing Stems (Skervesen Raptor 7 Content)

    Not much to really critique on my end other than I think the kick is a little loud/has a bit too much bite but the song sounds sick.
  9. kylendm

    Please feedback this mix, I am stuck

    Just me but I would turn the drums down a little bit and give the mix a little more bass.
  10. kylendm

    Happy Djenty Mixy

  11. kylendm

    Happy Djenty Mixy

    Here's an old song I decided to try and record after about a year or so's hiatus. Any criticisms would be nice. After listening, I think it's pumping just a bit too much and the OHs are kind loud.
  12. kylendm

    Drum replacement for midi drums

    Yeah I usually layer it but sometimes I'm going for a different kind of sound. I also just got Progressive Foundry for SD2. Amazing drum sounds!
  13. kylendm

    Drum replacement for midi drums

    I just wanted to point out that for the time being I actually am using Kontakt for drum replacement. It actually works pretty well. Here's the video I used.
  14. kylendm

    WTB: Progressive Foundry and Metal Machinery SDX expansions

    Just like the title says. If you have either send me a PM, I'm interested.
  15. kylendm

    Drum replacement for midi drums

    Thanks for the tips guys. I don't have reaper and I really don't want to have tt deal with ilok. Is there any other softwares that'll work? I might try apptrigga 3 but I think I remember hearing drumogog too? Suggestions?
  16. kylendm

    Drum replacement for midi drums

    So I'm using superior and I want to replace the snares and kicks with samples. Would I use aptrigga or something like trigger to run different WAV samples as replacements or is there something else out there that'll read my midi notes and play back the WAVs?
  17. kylendm

    Quick mix

    yeah I really have trouble with snare sounds. I can't really get in my head what a good snare should sound like. I hear them in mixed but I can't really solo them out and say damn that sounds good or "that'll work for this kind of sound". I have sd2 and ssd any recommendations on where to start...
  18. kylendm

    Quick mix

    Thanks man. You think the mix as a whole is harsh or is it just the guitars?
  19. kylendm

    Quick mix

    Just curious on hearing some criticism on this.
  20. kylendm

    Melodic Riffy Riffraff

    Just wondering what you guys think? I didn't play with the drum velocities at all so I know they are pretty fake sounding. I think the low end of the bass might be a little much but that's why I'm posting here. Any feedback would be appreciated!