Search results

  1. nialldoran

    Name your favourite mix

    first one that jumps to mind for me, was a Rammstein song, not even the whole album, but " B******** " from "Liebe ist für alle da" is just so well glued, it's just the metal version of "Beverly Hills" by Weezer for me. Palm muted verses, huge simple chorus, great guitars and drums. Not even a...
  2. nialldoran

    Replacing all toms with clean hits

    i take sample of every kit i record, as i'm sure most do, i tend not to fully replace the toms any more, i'll clean up the recorded tracks, big low pass filter to get rid of as much cymbal stuff as i can, but keep the played tom tone in there, then use the sample for the attack/ high end of the...
  3. nialldoran

    My reverb skills suck.

    valhalla vintage verb as mentioned is a great starting point and their "roomverb" is incredible too for close early reflection sounds on drums, great for hardcore or rock stuff if you want it to sound like room mics/kit mics, everything else mentioned i'd tend to dabble in too, cut the highs...
  4. nialldoran

    Steve Albini is a wacko

    Totally in the middle of the road about him, like most people here, i love some of his records, some of his sounds are amazing, they may not have as much impact, be as loud or hi-fi but you can always tell it's him. He has carved out a niche and certain bands love working with him and suit his...
  5. nialldoran

    favorite sneakers?

    These for sure, Airwalk reflex, but with electric blue laces to match the trim, but i love pretty much anything airwalk, so comfortable. or more often than not, classic black docs for the sheer amount of rain and or snow we get here,
  6. nialldoran

    All you'll ever need to know about drum programming

    totally forgot about this book i was supposed to pick this up for a read, although i'm having trouble with that link, doesn't seem to lead anywhere :( EDIT:woke up this morning and it all worked fine, dont know what happened,
  7. nialldoran

    Help me with my degree!

    i think music is definitely art and a lot closer to to paintings or sculpture than say,literature, theater, tv or film, simply because paintings (or drawings or whatever), sculpture and music can be enjoyed without narritive (i love plenty of concept albums despite the concept or narritive too)...
  8. nialldoran

    Mixers: how do you deal when you receive bad tracks?

    not at my PT system right now so i cant give you specifics but a bit of googling should help you, you can extract a groove from something with more feel using beat detective then use the quantize tool to apply the groove to midi, could be more hassle than it's worth and i've never had to do it...
  9. nialldoran

    Studio layout, thoughts...

    Currently doing a redesign ourselves, and i would definitely go for a bigger live room over CR , as long as you enjoy the feel of your control room and it sounds good, i wouldn't care about size to be honest, but when we start the build and get the rest of the money to got for it you guys are...
  10. nialldoran

    Is there a way to remove earwax properly?

    i have extremely waxy ear canals, one ear produces loads of ear wax and if i don't look after it i wake up not being able to hear anything in one ear sometimes, you can go and get them syringed (the metal water spray thing) but the doctor recommend to me that once a week i use body temp olive...
  11. nialldoran

    Formal Qualifications

    I have a degree in Music Technology and the sonic arts which is a science degree not an arts degree, but it is still absolute bullshit. I called a few studios six months before term started and i moved to the city where the university is. I got my foot in the door two months before i had done...
  12. nialldoran

    **Melodic Death/Doom metal with vocals multitracks**

    Had an hour at this earlier to get going, looking forward to getting it done when i'm less busy, great song
  13. nialldoran

    Bands/albuns that changed your life

    Some great albums looking back that changed my musical perspective and affected my life as music is what i do for a living. first metal album i ever listened to was Helloween - Time of the Oath, atmospheric for power metal. i got into more extreme music through this. Never listened to...
  14. nialldoran

    Small monitors for home/project studio under 500€

    love the d5s i had a pair in my apartment for a long time before i moved them to the studio, mids jump out on them, i have them paired with a set of genelec 8040s and they cope well, i think everything sounds good on the gens so the equators are a good eye (ear) opener when i switch to them...
  15. nialldoran

    Before The Fact - No Surrender (Multitrack soon)

    hey alex, yeah have a look it would be great to be able to have the right midi for drums in this, @failsafe i have kind of figured out some of the drum midi but it's not 100% right now
  16. nialldoran

    Before The Fact - No Surrender (Multitrack soon)

    yeah lots of editing needed to tighten these guitars, also had alot of problems with the Drum midi not changing tempo when the rest of the song does and its very difficult to figure out as the song slows down during fills between sections instead of being a quick sudden tempo change, i kind of...
  17. nialldoran

    MIXING PRACTICE - Rites of the Apocalypse - bigger production stuff

    yeah, would have loved to have had a go at this one, anyone willing to re-post files if OP isn't around?
  18. nialldoran

    facial tattoos on singer of band I recorded go (a bit) viral

    Saw this whole thing develop during the week. In interviews he seems alright in that he's not a bigot, racist, anti-Semitic etc which is fine, but any importance this symbol used to have is more than outweighed by the lives lost and atrocities committed under the banner of the nazi swastika. I...
  19. nialldoran

    How much do you move/ reposition mics to refine your sound?

    Basically i do everything studdy said, i have a good idea of where to start, record, listen, fix phase and polarity etc, then do more position tweaks, the difference and inch or two of movement can make is crazy. The axis of the mic too for toms and kick especially, i find are really important.