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  1. cyberfella

    Six Feet of Foreplay

    The lyrics to quadruple amputation are awesome, made me laugh so much when i first heard them. "Rolling down the street like a retard in disguise" lmao
  2. cyberfella

    Bloodbath covers

  3. cyberfella

    I know what would be the perfect Bloodbath vocalist.

    and young people! Damn young people, always on my lawn and running around outside my house. They don't know they're born, i tell you!
  4. cyberfella

    Wacken performance audio release possible?

    to be fair dude, thats like saying that alaxander bell invented the telephone thus he invented the mobile phone. The origional concepts were created and developed ages before the intenet came about. So there are loads of people who had input to the creation of the internet through out the world...
  5. cyberfella

    Yiiiihaaaa, it's done: New Bloodbath-Shirts available on

    I am because i just bought one...
  6. cyberfella

    Who do I contact?

  7. cyberfella

    Wacken performance audio release possible?

    I'm going to sign up the road runner CEO for a doner card so when i die he has his corneas removed.....Bastards
  8. cyberfella

    bloodbath's new album 2007..

    guys, seriously. Everyone is talking about what should and shouldn't happen, i know its an open forum but at the end of the day isn't it all about the quality of the next album? Favored vocalists, guitarists or what ever, personally i am more intrigued by what the new material is like. I could...
  9. cyberfella

    Wacken performance audio release possible?

    If it isn't released then i can get baked and lie on my bed and revisit the carnage in my mind. *sigh* It just wont be the same as blasting a live DVD out of some fuck off speakers and pissing off the neighbours with some of the greatest music ever written.
  10. cyberfella


    had you been drinking bears?
  11. cyberfella

    Who do you think should take over Dan´s duty and also be the new vocalist?

    showing wonderful support for the band there. Shouldn't you wait for a new release before you pass judgment?
  12. cyberfella

    a moment of your time

    its not your speakers. I quite like it but the vocals do seem a bit quiet and fuzzy.
  13. cyberfella

    About me leaving Bloodbath

    hmm, creating icecream and creating crushing deathmetal....not a parallel i would draw. I can see your point but realisticly would you want to pressure the band into reversing the decision? They surely wouldnt have the same relationship (yes i know they write independantly), its not a mass...
  14. cyberfella

    Bill Bailey

    i saw bill a few weeks ago in london, he was doing some of his new material for his new show which is apparantly starting at the end of the year. It was incredible! If you want an good example of bill bailey being naturally funny search for "bailey top gear" on youtube. If you guys like random...
  15. cyberfella

    Anyone besides me react to this?

    Christ, everyone has gone off on one over the last few days. I think we all need a joint and get things in perspective. Wait until the next bloodbath release (if there is one) then judge. As for the auditions, like baletempest said, noone was named or personally attacked. It was just stated that...
  16. cyberfella

    About me leaving Bloodbath

    That is a kick in the nuts. I feel kind of hollow. It might be because im wasted. Damn it. Im going to listen to bloodbath and drink excesivly.....again :D HAIL DAN \m/
  17. cyberfella

    who I would like to sing for bloodbath !!

    remember when people said no one could replace Mike? "He's the best" "nobody can replace mike" etc. Have faith, i'm sure they will come up with someone who will blow us away.