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  1. paul545

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Anyone listen to this? Pretty good stuff
  2. paul545

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    don't post a lot, so here's what been good the past week or so: Immolation - Atonement The Ominous Circle - Appaling Ascension not metal but this is great when i want something relaxing/chill out
  3. paul545

    Good Doom albums of 2016?

    Thanks for the recs guys. wasn't aware of most of these!
  4. paul545

    Good Doom albums of 2016?

    Haven't heard much doom from last year (or this year). Tried Khemmis and Subrosa and haven't really enjoyed either of those, though I liked Khemmis' previous album. What newish doom have you guys enjoyed?
  5. paul545

    Top 10 Metal Albums of 2016

    My updated Top 10 2016: Obscura - Akroasis Megadeth - Dystopia Ripper - Experiment of Existence Vektor - Terminal Redux Chthe'ilist - Le Dernier Crépuscule Blood Incantation - Starspawn Witch Vomit - A Scream from the Tomb Below Eternal Champion - The Armor of Ire Sacramental Blood - Ternion...
  6. paul545


    Khemmis - Hunted Did not realize this came out last year. Going to check it out now. l really liked their last, Absolution. edit: got halfway through and was bored. Will finish it later. On first impression it's not nearly as entertaining as their last album.
  7. paul545

    Metal 2016

    eh 10 is hard but my AOTYs are something like this: Obscura - Akroasis Megadeth - Dystopia Sacramental Blood - Ternion Demonarchy Abnormality - Mechanisms of Omiscience Blood Incantation - Starspawn Eternal Champion - The Armor of Ire Sol Sistere - Unfading Incorporeal Vacuum Wo Fat - Midnight...
  8. paul545


    Legend - From the Fjords this is pretty good edit: near the end of the album now and I change my opinion from pretty good to pretty awesome
  9. paul545


    I agree about the lyrics. I feel I could've enjoyed the album if the lyrics had been better.
  10. paul545

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Taake - Nattestid Ser Porten Vid Think I'm late to the party on this one, but this is amazing stuff.
  11. paul545

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Vale of Pnath - II Great album. Himinbjorg - Where Ravens Fly Good shit right here
  12. paul545

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Damn dude. Best of luck. You should post pics after.
  13. paul545


    Helms Alee - Stillicide This was decent at first but the last half of the album started to really suck. Didn't even listen to the last track.
  14. paul545

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Where are you? Were you one of the people who didn't evacuate? haha
  15. paul545


    Ruptured Birth - Transmutant This is fun.
  16. paul545


    Winterfylleth - The Dark Hereafter Winterfylleth - The Divination of Antiquity
  17. paul545

    Black Metal.

    Been out of the loop a bit. Favorite/good black metal albums of 2016?
  18. paul545


    halfway through listening to this on a whim.. not bad!