Search results

  1. JoergieN

    I need synth/string/orchestra VST recommendations

    Yes, I saw that a few weeks ago. I am definitely going to do this.
  2. JoergieN

    any Synth freaks here?

    No I mean acoustic sounds in general. Taking like a sitar or stings for example and adding synthetic distortions too it.
  3. JoergieN

    Guitar pick recommendations?

    I use those floppy ass orange tortex picks. I tried those jazz picks for a week once and they were way to thick and sharp.
  4. JoergieN

    Blink 182 - First Date | MIXTEST (AxeFx2-SD2.0-GGD)

    Love that fucking song!
  5. JoergieN

    any Synth freaks here?

    I'm not typically a big fan of pure synths, but I do like to take acoustics and distorting them. Like I said on a recent thread, Omnisphere is the best that I have come across. It really is incredible and trying to achieve it's full potential is like trying to reach the end of the world wide web.
  6. JoergieN

    I need synth/string/orchestra VST recommendations

    What's your price range? I don't normally use it for orchestration, but Omnisphere has all that and a lot more, you can mash it up and make it synthetic. For straight up orchestration, I use EastWest. The vast majority of what I do is midi, guitar being the only audio I record. EDIT: I just...
  7. JoergieN

    Dealing with clients

    At minimum they need to provide DI's. I have never heard of someone doing it like that before. Have them rerecord with a DI box and then you can begin tinkering with the tone.
  8. JoergieN

    Dealing with clients

    It's a tough decision you have you make. You have to make your client happy but you also have to have your brand stamped on the mix. If the guitar tone is the only thing you guys are butting heads over then I would just go with what they want. But if they want to shitty up the mix then I...
  9. JoergieN

    Two Notes, Kemper, or Something Else?

    +1 for Kemper. I don't have one yet and have very limited experience with it but I loved the one I was able to tinker with. Right now I'm only using plugins because of my living situation. But I will own a Kemper at some point.
  10. JoergieN

    Guitar pick recommendations?

    I can't believe some of you fuckers use those jazz picks
  11. JoergieN

    Do you guys still listen to metal?

    My taste in music has been weird lately. Actually, I haven't really been listening to a lot of music in general. When I'm at my desk or in my car it's mostly podcasts like Joe Rogan. Sometimes at night I'll fire up a bowl, and put some headphones on and listen to some trippy/soothing...
  12. JoergieN

    Do you guys still listen to metal?

    It's a legitimate question. I still love picking up the guitar and playing and writing new shit, but I rarely listen to it any more. And if I do, it's usually metal from 10-20-30 years ago. I went like 15 solid years where it's all I listened to.
  13. JoergieN

    Guitar pick recommendations?

    I've been using those orange dunlops for 10 years now. Sometimes the red ones. I find that I prefer the flaccid ones over the hard ones.
  14. JoergieN

    Headphones to recomment?

    Water resistant as for when I'm sweating my tits off at the gym.
  15. JoergieN

    SM57+ sE Voodoo VR1 (passive ribbon) = winrar.

    HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! Fucking filthy. What amp was used?
  16. JoergieN

    Fake Studio

    @Mattayus just throw Defiler into the search feature for the lulz
  17. JoergieN

    Headphones to recomment?

    @Hugues Berger just out of curiosity, are those water resistant?
  18. JoergieN

    Valhalla Reverbs Anyone have any experience with this? I find it difficult to gauge how well it works by listening to sound samples.
  19. JoergieN

    Fake Studio

    @Mattayus Hahaha wtf, where did that come from?