Search results

  1. sentience_withers

    Tshirts you'd like to see?

    My Unholy Forces shirt never shrunk.. I'd like to know how people manage to shrink their shirts, cos my Damned in Black one is way too big...
  2. sentience_withers

    Tshirts you'd like to see?

    I want a Hypocrisy shirt with the old osculum-era logo on it instead of their new one. And I want more girlies!!! A Death - Scream Bloody Gore or Leprosy shirt would be awesome. Edge of Sanity - Spectral Sorrows or Nothing But Death Remains. It would be good if every shirt had something cool...
  3. sentience_withers

    Ever wondered what Olli does for a living?

    Johan Hegg is a salesman of meat and shit. Freddy works in the swedish post office, not sure about teddy or johan s. Im a fucking computer technician/Graphic designer at a fucking shop in my home town with 6000 people wiht only one computer shop its great! i dont get paid too much but i dont...
  4. sentience_withers

    Metal for the Brain playing times

    you can bet your ass I'm attending.
  5. sentience_withers


    THE END RECORDS!!! you've probably already seen countless advertisements for this place on Ultimate Metal, now go there!!! They are american based, but they are fucking cheap, and usually very fast with the postage. And they're having a sale right now...
  6. sentience_withers

    Metal for the Brain playing times

    God... this is gonna be AWESOME!!!!! I'm just gonna find myself in front of the Kerrang Stage and not move for the entire day... Infernal Method, Sakkuth, Psycroptic, Astriaal, and Earth, all in a row?? FUCK YES! WOHOO!!!
  7. sentience_withers

    The concert wish list thread

    I wish I could see Amon Amarth live. And.. A Canorous Quintet. And Immortal. And At the Gates.
  8. sentience_withers

    Ultimate Information Thread

    thanks for the link, hoyn.
  9. sentience_withers

    Your top 5 metal albums

    MAZE OF TORMENT - THE FORCE!!!!! Fuck yes.
  10. sentience_withers

    Ultimate Information Thread

    I'm no ex-convict, I'm not australian, just living here.. and anyway, some convicts do rule. Like Faust. And Nodveidt.
  11. sentience_withers

    Your top 5 metal albums

    Off the top of my head, and I'm sure I'm missing out on many important albums that should definitely be on my list, A Canorous Quintet - Silence of the World Beyond Amon Amarth - Once Sent From the Golden Hall Dissection - Storm of the Lights Bane Psycroptic - The Scepter of the Ancients...
  12. sentience_withers

    Ultimate Information Thread

    I mean the way America has their own way of spelling words.. like 'tranquility'.. or 'color' and then theres those american people that freak out when they see it spelt differently.. and then insist that their way is the law, and the entire english colony must be wrong. There are some stupid...
  13. sentience_withers

    Ultimate Information Thread

    Age: 18 Sex: Female Location: Victoria, Australia Location I'd Prefer to be at: Sweden or Germany Ethnicity: White. Fave Bands: Amon Amarth(of course..), Maze of Torment, A Canorous Quintet, Astriaal, At the Gates, Curriculum Mortis, Aborted, Psycroptic, Dawn, Dissection, Naglfar...
  14. sentience_withers

    Best My Dying Bride album?

    I'm liking The Dreadful Hours a lot right now, though my favourite will always be The Light at the End of the World.
  15. sentience_withers

    can somebody german translate this please?

    Diese rare Split CD beinhaltet zwei Demos von sehr hochkarätigen Black Metal Bands,diese CD ist ein echtes Sammlerstück für Fans dieser beiden Bands.Hier erfährt Ihr noch die rohe Urgewalt des Black Metal wie man Ihn nur in Norwegen zelebriert! I think its about an Immortal/Ulver split cd...
  16. sentience_withers


    excellent! thanks for the link..
  17. sentience_withers

    Favourite AA song right now?

    Thousand Years of Oppression -and- Amon Amarth
  18. sentience_withers

    Bathory Nordland I, (new album)

    Nordland I is wonderful. One of those albums that I could set to repeat and listen to for days on end.
  19. sentience_withers

    Last Purchased Album

    Emperor - Live in Frostland Immortal - At the Heart of Winter (to quote Dionysos -I already have it on CD, but I couldn't resist when I saw it on vinyl........)