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  1. C

    Building a website

    That's a great idea. Really the only thing stopping me from doing that was the price, but it looks like a lot of people on that site (and similar sites) are pretty affordable. I do have the same questions as AD Chaos. I'd like to be able to make minor changes (swapping out content, like...
  2. C

    Building a website

    That was a great post, thanks! I think that helped answer some of the questions that I had.
  3. C

    Building a website

    Thanks for all the responses guys! I'll try to delve into Wordpress a little more and see if I can make it work. I'll also check out Joomia. I've never heard it before, but it looks pretty good.
  4. C

    Building a website

    Thanks, I'll check him out! That's one of my concerns with using something like Wix. Even though I'm kind of looking for something simple, I don't want it to look standard and ugly.
  5. C

    Building a website

    So I'm trying to make a new website for my recording business. I've tried Wordpress, but I found it a little difficult to get what I want out of it. I'm looking for something easy to work with and maybe run a blog out of in the future. What are you guys using for your websites? Any...
  6. C

    East Coast road trip

    I live about 30 minutes from DC. There's a lot of museums and such that could be pretty cool for you guys to visit. The National Mall has a lot of monuments and museums nearby. A lot of the events that take place haven't really been planned for August yet, so maybe closer to the day there'll...
  7. C

    Ho do you make them paid?

    This is so true, especially with the band I'm currently working with. I wish I had seen this two months ago. Thank you for making this.
  8. C

    Bass Processing Tutorial - Systematic Style

    Very informative. Thanks so much man!
  9. C

    Stereo pair of mics

    A friend of mine has a single CS-5, so maybe I'll borrow it and play with it some. I'll definitely look into that. Thanks for the replies guys!
  10. C

    Stereo pair of mics

    Hmmm the Beyers do look pretty nice. Might be a bit too much for me right now though. I've used the 184s quite a bit, and I absolutely love them. Unfortunately they're too expensive.
  11. C

    Stereo pair of mics

    Hey guys, I'm looking into buying a pair of condensers. I'll be using them as a stereo pair for recording orchestras, choirs and wind ensembles, as well as drum OHs. As of now, I don't have a preference between SDC or LDC. Multi-pattern would definitely be a plus. My budget is around $700...
  12. C

    Our history is not what we think!

    I thought it was kinda interesting to watch. I don't believe any of it, but it was fairly interesting and kept me entertained for a while. I think it's good to expose yourself to different views and whatnot, even if they don't make much sense.
  13. C

    WTB: Br00tz Reamps

    Not nearly as good as the others, but figured I'd give it a shot.
  14. C

    FS: Jackson SL2H - Natural Flame Top w/ BKP Nailbombs!! MINT

    Sexy! Too bad I can't justify spending that money right now.
  15. C

    SSD Essential no brainer $20

    Just bought. I'm excited to see how I like SSD.
  16. C

    Hilarious things bands have asked/said to you

    "So, say I used my phone to record a song. The audio is not bad at all, but it still needs to be mastered and cleaned up a little. If I were to email the song to you, do you think you can clean it up a little and make the sound better and I pay you for that for this one song?"
  17. C

    automating quad tracked guitars....

    Try playing around with side-chaining. That way, when a new part comes in, whatever you side-chain it to will be cut a bit, keeping some of the clarity. I've only tried this a couple times, with mixed results. Something to try out, anyways.
  18. C

    Best pair of stereo SDC mics for OHs under $200

    I own a pair of CO2s and they're pretty decent. They do have a lot of noise when you crank the gain, but since you're using them on drums, I don't think that'll be much of a problem. I have yet to use them as OHs, but I've used them on orchestras and choirs and I've actually been rather...
  19. C

    Strange Sound on Guitars?

    That definitely sounds like someone messing with EQ in real time to me. A small bandwidth, large boost that is being moved around in the high frequencies.
  20. C

    Mapex Meridian Birch tom samples

    Thanks dude! Great samples!