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  1. B

    Female metal fans! Please answer these questions for my research, thankyou!

    A real Hellion she is! :flame:
  2. B

    I'm Looking for friends in Canada

    You will have lots of friends in Canada. Very sexually free there. Sometimes I think I should move there! Music scene, I don't know.
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    What kinda girls do you go for?

    GOD, this board is slow! :Smokin:
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    Morning Star, second only to God, named for the Big Bang that God had Him explode to start everything off, is in God's service then & forever.
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    Consenting Adults?

    Your title says it all, otherwise they're legislating morality.
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    Controversial non-metal opinions

    I find Ace Frehley's music romantic. Speeding back to my baby.... By the way, is your Avatar, Ace during his blond period?
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    This place is rarely fluid, though the people are cool. Sites like Metallica/Megadeth only move fast because of trolls. Trolls live to destroy what they could never write. The Moderators over there allow Trolls as a nessasary evil to keep the board moving & look like they're...
  8. B

    I'm back!

    HI, This place can be pretty slow sometimes, Then I come back Myself & find I missed a long conversation, Then It's dead again! :flame:
  9. B

    Are we one big metal family?

    I come from The Era where there was only one Metal, So yes We were a Family. Ozzy, Maiden, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer! This was before Hair pop, Bands who were never Metal & Grunge. Nobody got Butthurt over their forced spinoff corporate band who never should have...
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    What kinda girls do you go for?

    Looking Metal might be a Win if the person is already attracted to You. It's not going to be a game changer if He's not. As a Man, I would not want to be Woman now, or at any time in History. Most Men are not worth spending 10 minutes with. The best thing You, or any Female can do is...
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    Motorhead North America!

    I'm happy Motorhead played a great show & played Killed by Death! I'm pissed Clutch did'nt play Binge & Purge! What the Fuck!
  12. B

    Female metal fans! Please answer these questions for my research, thankyou!

    The Music, DUH! & the whole scene. Sex, Drugs & R&R! It's a part of Myself, It doesn't overtake Myself. Very, Mostly to get Guys to buy booze for Me, I'm underage, or I'd stay home & jam! I have My own style, I won't be most bands billboard. 80%,& yes. Don't care. Like a kid in...
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    Supreme Court upholds freedom of speech on military funeral protests

    The Absolutes in the Bill of Rights have been Amended away. Amendment on #1; Hate speech. Amendment on #2; Any misdemeanor or felony crime. Amendment on #3 & 4 & 5; No Attorney/No freedom.
  14. B

    Billy/Mastery update?

    Who ever is singing Halfordesque in the background sounds ridiculous! :lol:
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    Are there too many illegal immigrants in the US.?

    We lost America to the Bluebloods who always had the wealth. When they manipulated the stock market, before it was regulated. 9/27/1929 Thats where people like Rockefeller, Pullman, Carnegie & Kennedy cashed in. They were already World leaders in wealth, this sent them skyrocketing!
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    Are there too many illegal immigrants in the US.?

    You saved Yourself with the last part. :zombie: The DREAM that America was founded on is long DEAD. It started with amendments to the Constitution & Bill of Rights in 1900. Look at what has been done/There are no more absolutes. The first five of the Bill of Rights have been amended...
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    Billy/Mastery update?

    NEW MASTERY IN FOUR MONTHS? MILANO; VOCALS ARMELLINI; RHYTHM FITZSIMONS; LEAD CASTERLINE; BASS HARSHAW; DRUMS :flame::flame::flame::flame::flame: New Demo w/vocals at Their Myspace Milano has lyrics prewritten & is coustomising them for Mastery.
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    Lying dreamers v.s. Holier than Thou retards. :flame::flame::flame::flame:
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    Picture thread

    Avatar won't work, so I don't know how pictures will. :flame::flame::flame::flame:
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    Are there too many illegal immigrants in the US.?

    Mexicans don't only take fieldhand jobs! Illinois I.N.S. busted 500 Illegals at Morgan Marshal Steel Fabrication. Welders, Grinders, Sheer, Forklift ect....