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  1. ESA1996

    Some re-equalized COB songs

    They're unfortunately not proper remasters, the guy's just re-EQuing the original master:
  2. ESA1996

    TAB Thread.

    Arcane's dropbox has a lot of COB tabs, you could check that (A fair portion of the tabs on the first page were made by him):
  3. ESA1996


    Petri has a bunch of COB albums on his wall behind him in the first video :D
  4. ESA1996


    No videos of these yet. I really want to see the COB covers live :D Too Much, Too Late has become another favorite of mine on the album. Been listening to the album quite a bit since it released. I could probably say that I'm positively surprised by how good it is. I was expecting something...
  5. ESA1996


    My favorite song currently is probably Death's on it's Way. The chorus in that one is really epic.
  6. ESA1996


    You might still notice it if you take it away. You can't hear bass in metal most of the time, but you do notice if you take it out, for example. It also gives Janne something to do during the verses :D
  7. ESA1996


    I think that's just that he's playing very low stuff so the keyboard gets drowned out by the guitars and bass. Also, anyone noticed Petri's Yeaaaaaaayeayeayeah at 1:30? Reminds me of Alexi :D
  8. ESA1996


    The new song sounds very much like IWC-era Bodom. The main riff even sounds kinda similar to IWC the song :D
  9. ESA1996

    The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

    How did it turn out?
  10. ESA1996

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    Sounds very similar to new Bodom. The keyboard melody in the intro reminds me of Angels Don't Kill, and the faster melody that comes after it reminds me of Waste of Skin. Overall the song wouldn't have felt too out of place on IWC or Hexed. I'm definitely interested in hearing the rest of the...
  11. ESA1996

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    Petri's done cleans in the interlude to Ensiferum's "Bonus Song". He's not bad, but they wouldn't have hired Petri if they wanted cleans.
  12. ESA1996

    Quick/beginner/stupid questions go here

    Oh, I'd never heard of the site before and didn't look into it at all :D Yeah, most likely only someone with perfect pitch would notice it if they weren't told about it beforehand and had nothing to compare it to.
  13. ESA1996

    Quick/beginner/stupid questions go here

    That's probably the only way to do it yeah. I'm not really going to do it though, there's too little gain to be gained from it. Also, retuning the songs with a plug-in would reduce the audio quality slightly, so there are drawbacks as well.
  14. ESA1996

    Quick/beginner/stupid questions go here

    The study seems to suggest there's some truth to the idea, but you're correct that only one note is going to be in 432 Hz, and it feels odd for the tiny difference to make any serious difference. As for the tuner, I've been using the Neural DSP plugins' built-in tuner for the past couple years...
  15. ESA1996

    Quick/beginner/stupid questions go here

    Interesting find. It does feel different to the original, even without comparing them back to back. I was ready to dismiss this as placebo, but decided to Google it. Google gave me a bunch of articles about how 432 Hz is "the frequency of the universe", which, to me, sounds pretty much as...
  16. ESA1996

    Alexi's gear/rigs are up for auction

    Nothing against the greeny, but if I were to put 10k into a guitar I'd order a custom and put my own name on it. Having someone else's name on my guitar would just feel strange, even if that someone has had a great deal of influence on both what I listen to and what I write and play myself.
  17. ESA1996

    Alexi's gear/rigs are up for auction

    I tried looking through the comments, but couldn't find it :D Thanks! A funny thing about Villu's interview is that when he asked Alexi years later how many guitars he's thrown in the crowd, Alexi said "none" :D
  18. ESA1996

    Alexi's gear/rigs are up for auction

    Reportedly Alexi threw the guitar into the crowd and some guy called Villu from Estonia caught it. The guy who's selling it now bought it from Villu 2,5 months ago (Strange that he's selling it so soon). He has a screenshot of Musamaailma's comment that based on the serial number, the guitar...
  19. ESA1996

    Mullan rakoseen vaivun

    They didn't even have an account before this :D
  20. ESA1996

    Once in a Lifetime Opportunity to own Alexi's personal Guitar

    One of the yellow ones is at the Bodom Bar also.