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  1. K

    Need some advice with drum tracking

    And just because click works for 10 bands doesn't mean it works for the next 10. You're trying to get the BEST PERFORMANCE, not the MOST PERFECTLY IN TIME PERFORMANCE. They are not always the same thing. Some drummers sound like absolute garbage when trying to play to a click. Especially if...
  2. K

    Need some advice with drum tracking

    If it's a punk band get rid of the click and let him jam like he's used to. Then let everybody go to lunch while you tighten up what can be tightened and create click parts for the placed that need them (guitar breaks, vox breaks, etc).
  3. K

    Acoustic guitar solo over dense mix - help!

    Put the song on loop record and play through it 10 times, then comp the shit out of it.
  4. K

    Acoustic guitar solo over dense mix - help!

    This and automation.
  5. K

    As Promised - Ball Clap Samples

    No rim shots?
  6. K

    Whats so good about Kick10 and Snare12a?

    If I can do it, anybody can do it.
  7. K

    Andy Sneap about Melodyne...

    I swear he was going to look more like this.
  8. K

    how to deal with crap drummers?

    Just record and make guide clicks manually for any parts that need it.
  9. K

    Audio Engineering and Schooling (Please give opinions.)

    Find an internship. Unless you're a wanker you'll probably end up with a job in the end and you'll learn a lot more. I know a line a mile long filled with Full Sail graduates.
  10. K

    Flickering in and out/bad connection effect?

    There is a bunch of stuff I want off that site. It's been broken for over a week now. Nobody can sign up. :(
  11. K

    Recording bass cabs.

    I would do the whole "copy the track and use a gritty gross amp sim on it and blend it in" thing to get that midrange grit. I know that's now how HE did it, but it works. Oh, and don't use a bass amp modeler. Use a guitar amp modeler.
  12. K

    Flickering in and out/bad connection effect?

    Unfortunately I don't have an amp or a guitar, or I would record something like this myself. I know a majority of you have an amp and mic set up already. :) Who wants to take 5 minutes of their time to record some buzz and then the unplugging of the guitar? Eh? Ehhhhh?
  13. K

    Up the Irons! Nicko Mc Brain's (drums only) tracks on Youtube!

    There are videos with guitars/vox/bass only, as well. Not sure if this thread was for just Nicko love, or if you hadn't found those yet.
  14. K

    Flickering in and out/bad connection effect?

    Yeah, but I'd like the buzz and hum effects as well, instead of just random chopped silence.
  15. K

    Flickering in and out/bad connection effect?

    I wanted to end a song link this instead of having the chords ring out. Was wondering if anybody knows a good way of doing it or a plug (mac, AU) that will do this effect. Pretty much looking for the entire mix to flicker in and out and then just cut off, like if you have a bad connection on...
  16. K

    Is it common practice to charge for multitracks after a project is complete?

    I was actually wondering about giving the raw tracks. Do you guys bounce your trigger outputs, or do you just give the raw drums without triggers?
  17. K

    So, am i crazy for asking this about my monitors?

    Foam does absolutely nothing for room treatment except killing the high end if you have too much of it. Get some proper bass traps in there. Then spending money on monitors will actually be worth it.
  18. K

    So, am i crazy for asking this about my monitors?

    How is your room treated?
  19. K

    Looking for mastering engineer.

    Thanks guys. Will be replying shortly.