Search results

  1. fuzius

    DEFIANT - Mechanism of Hate (Lyric Video)

    Death\Thrash metal project. Lyric Video below, have a listen. Let's support each other!
  2. fuzius

    Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

    Hey guys I do some covers, instrumentals, originals, and am always open for collaboration. Would love if you checked out my music. It's a playlist with different metal-related tracks. I got lots of videos\music and always working on more. Have a listen! Thanx !
  3. fuzius

    Need vocalist for online project - Cleans\Screams\Growls\Shouts

    I need good vocalists for my projects - which include original material and covers in styles such as: death metal, groove, thrash, stoner etc. We're not really limited genre-wise here but I do love the extreme stuff. If you're up to it and can record at home, reply\PM. Here are a few...
  4. fuzius

    Criticize my screams.

    Not bad dude! I need some extreme vocals for my projects, I understand you're in a band, but if you have some free time on your hands, check out my music (see signature) and message me.
  5. fuzius

    Hi everyone who loves guttural slams!

    Hey dude I do enjoy some Brutal DM, if you know Vomit The Soul, they are a good slam DM band in my opinion. Not sure how much time i have for chatting but my English is alright, so feel free to send me a message and some recommendations too.
  6. fuzius

    Hi, is this forum alive at all?

    Sure man, feel free to send it to m,e here or through my website! and sorry for the late reply!:Smokedev:
  7. fuzius

    Hi, is this forum alive at all?

    Hi guys. Just wanted to ask if this forum is alive, as I really like discussing music. I'm a metalhead who enjoys all genres, with my favorite two being prog metal and DM. I actually have a hobby of finding underrated bands and writing about them together with a friend on our...
  8. fuzius

    Hi there!

    haha dude I'm shy too but if you love playin' I'd say give it a try anyway..not all metal has to be super technical you know.. sounds like you have a cool job !
  9. fuzius

    Bands you feel are overrated

    Metallica(not saying I didn't enjoy their early albums. I have a Ride the lighting poster. but still ) Opeth - I know a lot of people who praise Opeth all the time and don't listen to any other prog bands! )'= Modern Katatonia - doesn't come close to the old material IMO. Behemoth - I love...
  10. fuzius

    Gravatrax saying Hi! TechDeath fanatic here.

    Good musical taste man! Do you like John Coltrane? his "Giant Steps" album is really the jazz album for tech metalheads :cool:
  11. fuzius

    oldschool metalhead (=

    Hi, new here. I'm into all kinds of metal, currently focusing on prog and brutal DM but I enjoy other music too -jazz swing Psytrance..I'm a musician and I write stuff but yeah whatever. I also like growling at random times for no reason at all :flame:
  12. fuzius

    Best Metal Drummers

    Kevin Talley :flame:
  13. fuzius

    For fans of old Katatonia

    nice!! dance of december souls was the best IMO, and this does have a very similar feel. I love that gloomy sound and reverb.:grin:
  14. fuzius

    Underrated Reviews

    Hey people. I'm just another metalhead who likes music and writing about it. I started a blog( for reviewing albums, with the goal in mind being: finding new\old underrated albums, and sharing their existence and awesomeness with others. I'm looking...