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  1. RakkaTakka

    Now: eating/drinking/playing/watching/doing/whatever

    Watching the Amazing Atheist on youtube
  2. RakkaTakka

    What music are you ashamed to say you listen to ?

    I like Goth, not like black metal but like Voltaire. He has amazingly deep music but he also has stupid songs that are almost for kids
  3. RakkaTakka

    What kinda girls do you go for?

    the two most important things for me are a woman who can enjoy herself doing anything and woman who knows how to have a reasonable intellectual debate. As for looks, I need wide hips and a small nose, short hair but not like lesbian short, and bright eyes. Also not liking metal is a deal-breaker...
  4. RakkaTakka

    3 word story

    After Bin left