Search results

  1. PraetentusAnemos

    Things to do while listening to Turisas

    Someone beat me to the "listening to Turisas for math homework" recommendation. I personally enjoy listening to Turisas while getting ready for early morning shifts. It makes leaving the house hours before the crack of dawn on Sunday mornings a bit more bearable.
  2. PraetentusAnemos

    come to Church

    ...Our church thread has died again. D< How dare it! It shall be revived and become extremely lively again! Prae is sad that it's not active. :( Anyways! It probably seems like I have a lot of prayer requests, but... Well, I do! Though this one is really quite personal. >.> This past summer I...
  3. PraetentusAnemos

    Good & Bad about today...

    Good: Been able to get away with eating a lot of "junk food" Been able to be on the computer all day xD Bad: Nauseous all day (been happening every two months since summer 2011 ._.) Had to miss my chemistry lab Had to not ride my horse, even though it's only two weeks till our next show Finally...
  4. PraetentusAnemos


    A horse, singular. Unfortunately... We can't afford more than one horse right now. :c Especially if they have the potential for the levels that I (and my trainer) want to reach without being new under saddle, and one of those is enough for me right now!
  5. PraetentusAnemos

    come to Church

    So, I know I disappeared from here for a bit, but I'm hopefully back for a bit! (Before I get devoured by school, music, and riding again :P) It's always nice to be among other similar to you. At my Saturday church, we have a "Garden of Prayer" every week where prayer requests are collected and...
  6. PraetentusAnemos


    On the topic of weather, this is the dryest winter we've had in the five years I've lived in this weird place in California. Sure, we're known for our nice weather and tourism year round but it's kind of weird to not be freezing in my own house every day while it's pouring out. Though I'm...
  7. PraetentusAnemos

    Hey, guys... :/ (a personal message from Arkatox)

    Oh, shoot. Depression really, really sucks. I definitely agree with knight777. It's possible to get pulled through it through prayer alone, but professional help can certainly help too. I'll be praying for you.
  8. PraetentusAnemos

    Good & Bad about today...

    Good: - an online record company has contacted my friend about releasing an EP with him! - it feels kind of good to not be too stresses out my school right now... Bad: - it's official. i'm taking two maths and a college chem course at the same time. overload! - the arenas are still muddy ._...
  9. PraetentusAnemos

    A little about yourself

    Thanks for the welcome! You might not think the same thing about the third book. Most everyone else seemed to love it. I was just severely unimpressed by it, as was the rest of my family. Might just be us though.
  10. PraetentusAnemos

    A little about yourself

    Uhm... Hi~. You can call me a menagerie of things, as long as it's appropriate and I don't tell you specifically to call me that, but Ane and Prae would possibly work best. ;) Anyways, my username, PraetentusAnemos, came from when I was thinking of possible show names for the horse I was...
  11. PraetentusAnemos

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Finlandia, written by Jean Sibelius Finlandia
  12. PraetentusAnemos

    come to Church

    @ChosenNightwolf - you and your wife will be in my prayers. Cars are such necessary things nowadays, but quite expensive. God will lead you to the perfect car within your price range, though. Now, about these Christians who don't actually believe parts of the Bible. I find this ridiculous...
  13. PraetentusAnemos

    come to Church

    Hmm... this fell back to page 4 on the Theocracy board. How sad. Anyways, I hope everyone had a great Christmas, wherever they are! It was amazing to go to one of my church's Christmas Eve services after a busy month trying to get ready for end of semester, Chanukah, AND Christmas. It was so...
  14. PraetentusAnemos

    Good & Bad about today...

    Good: - Had such a good training session with my trusty steed! - Still on winter break~! - My family that was visiting got back to their home safely. Bad: - Procrastinating on backwork for school. - Only half a week more of break since the school head took away a week. - Still haven't gotten my...
  15. PraetentusAnemos

    Introduction thread

    Welcome to the board, even if this is severely late. Have fun!
  16. PraetentusAnemos

    The "Random Bullshit" Thread

    Never known a cold Christmas... but then again, isn't it summer in Australia during Christmas time? But guys! It's been getting down to freezing range at night for the past about week and a half! And then it gets really warm during the day.
  17. PraetentusAnemos


    My list could go on forever, and you would probably have never heard of most of the people, but here's just a few in no particular order. Johanna Aaltonen (HB) Matthias Nygard (Turisas) The lead vocalist of Tyr Tarja Turunen (Nightwish, solo) Tony Kakko (Sonata Arctica) Matt Smith (Theocracy)...
  18. PraetentusAnemos

    The "Random Bullshit" Thread

    Oh, man. Christmas presents. Y'know, it's really hard to get into the mood of Christmas and present shopping when it's 70 degrees Fahrenheit out and sunny, though I suppose it's better than all the rain we were getting at this time last year. Christmas metal helps a bit but that always leads...
  19. PraetentusAnemos

    Favourite Song From "Stand Up and Fight"?

    It's a close one, but End of an Empire beats The Great Escape and Hunting Pirates (and all the others...) by just a little bit. For me, the length of the song is great even though I find myself wanting it to be longer (so I listen to it again). The instrumentals and vocals are wonderfully put...
  20. PraetentusAnemos

    come to Church

    Ah, how wonderful God's nature is. I would prefer just sitting out in nature than going to a church building most days. I was just thinking about it today when I was hand walking this sweet horse that I'm looking at buying. [So far, she's an absolute God-send. I mean it.] Imagine how on fire and...