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  1. J

    Anyone want to mix this song for me? Easy $50!

    sent you an email under joe balena send me the links heressome of my work
  2. J

    New Hardcore/Metalcore Track (might upload files for mixing practice)

    dude u said fr days now u would upload i wanna take a stab atthis song bad lol
  3. J

    mixxing 50$

    i will mix your songs songs for 50$ a song here is some of my work
  4. J

    New Hardcore/Metalcore Track (might upload files for mixing practice)

    dude upload those aws would love to mix this
  5. J

    Some mixing practice for you - Breaking Benjamin "Diary of Jane"
  6. J

    Practice Time05 - KSE The Arms of Sorrow - 23 DI files for fun
  7. J

    Practice Time05 - KSE The Arms of Sorrow - 23 DI files for fun

    dude im gonna have fun with this. oim gonna use my new api 5500 dual eq, amd bla agb on this badboy
  8. J

    IT dies today -a threondy for modern romance cover for vocals

    i need someone to do the vocs for it, ill post all the raw dii's and midi after, right now if someone could do vocals for the cover and upload them via drop box so i can mix em in it would be great. here is a link to the file for u to do vocals, just make sure to send em raw back unprocessed...
  9. J

    Practice Time 04 - LIKE MOTH TO FLAMES - Di files inside

    thanks bud, its all about about balancing :P
  10. J

    Practice Time 04 - LIKE MOTH TO FLAMES - Di files inside

    heres my take on it pod farm on the guitars studio devil on basss drums are samples i made over the years
  11. J

    As I Lay Dying - Nothing Left -(cover)- DI files inside
  12. J

    MetalCore. Mix-DI's included. I as well aimed for a miss may type guitar tone and drum sound..think its pretty awesome.Guitars are poulin lextac with the asem impulse hey kryt vampir do u know what u usedon your bass guitar, i love the way it sounds, I was aiming for something like your bass but...
  13. J

    Tech Death with Raw Mixing files YT
  14. J

    Practice Time! - THREAT SIGNAL "A New Beginning" Cover (Raw tracks inside)

    there not my screams otereo, there marios i just did a lot of processing on them heres the link mario
  15. J

    Practice Time! - THREAT SIGNAL "A New Beginning" Cover (Raw tracks inside)

    here you guys my final mix of it to download and ive uploaded the vocal tracks with all the compression and effects for you guys to stick in your mix to try it out, the only effect that is not on is the m,aster buss for the whole track for the instruments...
  16. J

    The best mix will be the chosen one
  17. J

    Practice Time! - THREAT SIGNAL "A New Beginning" Cover (Raw tracks inside)

    np bud i have a day off tomorow so ill prob be finishing this up nicely, the only problem i had so far is that the vocals required a lot of work to sit nice,so i couldnt do too much to the guitars cause i had to leave the right amount in the spectrum for the vocs to sound awesome,they are the...
  18. J

    Practice Time! - THREAT SIGNAL "A New Beginning" Cover (Raw tracks inside)

    still mixxing it, im not super happy with my guitar tone yet, and i cant seem to make the screams sound good enough..o wll im gonna keep going at it till it sounds not gonna tackle his cleans tonight.. rhythm guits are pod farm stand high and low pass cuts,boost on 120hz of 2db,boost...