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  1. Igor Samurovic

    help me decide on this bargain

    It boils down to what kind of a tone you want, JCM800 and 6550+ are radically different sounding!
  2. Igor Samurovic

    Easy Guitar to Synth [REAPER]

    To get over this, put a gate on it that cuts a lot of stuff out, and use an expander on the signal, it will make the attack more prominent.
  3. Igor Samurovic

    Easy Guitar to Synth [REAPER]

    This is one of the things you might never actually need, but it is so 'cool' you'll have to whack it into something :D
  4. Igor Samurovic

    Room Tone on Rhythm Guitars: Gojira Tone Demonstration

    It's incredibly hard to judge the tone you posted because 80% of FMTS' 'guitar tone' is really in the mix itself. You know how terrible intro to backbone sounds, that is, compared to the mixed version of that same riff just a few seconds into the song. So really, for this kind of a tone to work...
  5. Igor Samurovic

    Low End References

    Another huge + for TWOAF! I'd say l'enfant sauvage is good as well, but it's just not as good as TWOAF, really, but I see they were going for a way different vibe on that one.
  6. Igor Samurovic

    Thick Yet Tight Guitar Tone????

    Is everyone at ehow mentally challenged? Also, it's important to mention that tube screamer can bring out nasty, scratchy attack of bad pickups, so it may or may not be the best case to make the tone 'thicker' because nasty attack just makes it smaller. Old strings will also give a nasty...
  7. Igor Samurovic

    Easy Guitar to Synth [REAPER]

    No need for a midi pickup! However, that's why it's monophonic, if it required a mini pickup it'd obviously be polyphonic, but hey, this is some secret treasure :D I set window size to 50 and used my fretless with trillian, and put a slap bass preset. Now, THAT was funky, in both meanings :D
  8. Igor Samurovic

    Easy Guitar to Synth [REAPER]

    Woah, this is amazing! :D Why didn't I know of this earlier?
  9. Igor Samurovic

    Quick fix for CPS?

    Wow, this seems to be the most useful advice I've seen on this subject yet! I knew ice helps big time, but I apparently didn't hold my hand enough before! Thanks for all the advice, I will try all of this out :D Okay, now I believe this will be sorted out somehow, but is the nerve damage...
  10. Igor Samurovic

    Quick fix for CPS?

    I already use mouse with both hands, had to learn, haha. Yeah, figured a lot of the problem is how I am sitting at my desk, will have to get a chair that goes lower. I asked doctor about actually playing bass, he said that I definitely can play if I find a way to do it without fingers getting...
  11. Igor Samurovic

    Ibanez SR 305 DX

    I've seen this bass is discontinued, and I can get one really cheap, the active 4 knob version, it'd be fun to have a 5 string around, even if 'beginner'. Are they any good?
  12. Igor Samurovic

    Quick fix for CPS?

    I put this here because I'd like to see how producers see it, and since many producers here are also guitar players as well: When you absolutely have to finish something, but your hand(s) is/are too occupied with CTS, what is the best way to cure it, if for a few hours? I've heard it's actually...
  13. Igor Samurovic

    Bass Tone Shootout in the Mix

    I'd go with C, seems to give the mix some depth, it sounds nice plus notes are very audible.
  14. Igor Samurovic

    "From Mars To Sirius"

    I've heard people say 'anything that isn't gojira is overproduced crap'. That makes my rage meter go up instantly, as I hate the whole notion of something being 'overproduced' but I think it's really honest to say that there haven't been so many 'raw' albums in the genre lately.
  15. Igor Samurovic

    Can T75s handle Bass Guitar?

    As I thought, it gets sorta muddy/boomy through a guitar speaker/IR, so I don't think it'd be too useful in a metal context, as the range boosted by those IRs is what's first to go when mixing (especially since it's also boosted on guitars). The V30 sounds great on its own though, rounder than...
  16. Igor Samurovic

    Can T75s handle Bass Guitar?

    Mind posting some clips? I'd like to hear what their low end sounds like :D
  17. Igor Samurovic

    Can T75s handle Bass Guitar?

    'Too much low end' is sort of a myth, as it is misinterpreted. Most quality speakers can handle much more than we abuse them on daily basis. What is not a myth, however, is that guitar speakers are usually designed to have a higher resonant frequency or simply sound way brighter, so it seems...
  18. Igor Samurovic

    "From Mars To Sirius"

    ...and you can hear what they bass is playing, incredibly well :D
  19. Igor Samurovic

    Hz in phase with the BPM

    Nope, because there's no way to make it THAT loud on a track, unless you're talking about live mixing. That being said, we bass players sometimes want everything, disregarding what the mix needs and where the bass actually fits into the mix!
  20. Igor Samurovic

    "From Mars To Sirius"

    Haha, sometimes I think this too, but still, if I had to choose a tone to mix my album in, it'd more likely be TWOAF tone than FMTS tone. The reason is that the TWOAF tone has more potential uses, where FMTS tone has select few things it's really good for in a contemporary context. That being...