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  1. kollex

    New Dan interview in

    there's an interesting thread on that particular webzines forums here's a few quotes from the admin of the site of course they seem very reclutant to let anybody else listen to these tapes so who knows what the truth is ?
  2. kollex

    why Goats Horns by Nokturnal Mortum is the school showers of black metal

    that was me taking the piss out of you. I acutually like them now
  3. kollex

    why Goats Horns by Nokturnal Mortum is the school showers of black metal

    ah, the "its on a par with classical music" argument as borrowed from mr Prozak. which could also be used to defend any metal band with symphonic keyboards in from Nightwish or Doro. Im not sure how anyone could describe "unholy Orintha" or however the fuck its spelt as anything other than a...
  4. kollex

    The make fun of N*flaymz thread.

    attempted if not achieved it. most of their early stuff bores to me to tears so much I haven't bothered to analyse it. Soundtrack to your escape though is up there with Burn my eyes for cheesy pop metal greatness
  5. kollex

    why Goats Horns by Nokturnal Mortum is the school showers of black metal

    explain to me this. when is faggoth not acutually faggoth but in fact one of the all time greats of Black Metal. When they are nazi of course. lets take Nokturnal Mortum for example, their "masterpiece" goat horns sounds like the soundtrack to Hecate Enthroned-the pantomine (which probably...
  6. kollex

    The make fun of N*flaymz thread.

    has anyone seen the video for "a touch of red" when they are strolling around south Central LA acting like "metal gangsta's" complete with hells angels and scatily clad babes. Its like they were trying to beat Rob Flynn at his own game. I do like their new album though as they are a lot...
  7. kollex

    Wal-mart sued over Evanescence Lyrics

    I didn't quite know what my point was until i remembered this if that law gets passed then loads of metal bands in the UK will get banned off the top my head these would include Slayer Cradle of filth Deicide Exodus Venom Dimmu...
  8. kollex

    Wal-mart sued over Evanescence Lyrics

    In germany its acutually Illegal to sell any Gorerotted albums or the first 4 cannibal corpse albums in any capicity for some bizzare self serving reason. in the Uk there were calls from moral watchdogs for extreme metal cds to not to be allowed for purchase to the under 18's wether they are...
  9. kollex

    Colours and Metal

    nokturnal Mortums "Goat Horns" evokes a pungent stench of brown
  10. kollex

    Dissection w/ Watain, London, 14th Dec.

    im seeing them in Birmigham. they are doing a full tour you know
  11. kollex

    Who are your top three Thrash bands of all time?

    sepultura celtic frost exodus
  12. kollex

    Adema claims they have signed to earache

    from Thursday, July 15th, 2004Yes, I know I am late with this news, but I'm lazy when I'm not rushing around working. The news about Adema's new label is here! They have signed with Earache, which is primarily a death/black/goth metal, industrial, and...
  13. kollex

    good emo (Luminous Aether are you out there)

    quite ironic coming from someone calling themselves "Sikth" hating emo
  14. kollex

    Earache signs Adema

    theres no news on the earache site about it. i reckon its bullshit
  15. kollex

    Are you willing to be a moderator?

    im up for it. bet i get no votes though
  16. kollex

    This forum is in desperate need of moderation

    the quasi neo-nazism and trolling perchance ?
  17. kollex


    HIM are the worst band in the world. soundwise they are unremarkable pop/rock. nothing special really. but since Bam Magera says their good (and the only reason he likes them is he wants to bang the leader singer) all the MTV generation suddenly think its the coolest thing ever whilst still...
  18. kollex

    Recommend Something Different

    this happens
  19. kollex

    This forum is in desperate need of moderation

    Thats the things that annoys me about them. i agree that they are more valuble in terms of discussion than allwithinmonster. in fact as you say they explain their musical tastes and political views in an effective and interesting way. the problem is when they do go over the edge they do so in a...
  20. kollex

    This forum is in desperate need of moderation

    I think the role of any moderating team would be to regulate the activities of all regardless of their musical tastes without any bias. those who were around here a fair while will know that as many problems if not more have been caused by the followers of Prozak and ANUS.COM as there have been...