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  1. S

    Thoughts on my mix

    I am mixing this song for a band I am working with. Still waiting for them to provide me with some of the other vocals tracks but this is how it sounds so far.
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    FREE Drum Samples. (Self Created)

    There should be several hits of each drum in the folders. All relatively at the same velocity. Really going to complain about free stuff?
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    FREE high-quality drum samples!!

    I know everyone is trying to find some good metal drums. I recently recorded some drums for a YouTube demonstration but along with the session I ask the drummer to do single hits of each drum and of the cymbals. Each drum is printed with and without the room mics. To get the free samples hit the...
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    Free FVF Custom Maple Kit Drum Samples

    I know everyone is trying to find some good metal drums. I recently recorded some drums for a YouTube demonstration but along with the session I ask the drummer to do single hits of each drum and of the cymbals. Each drum is printed with and without the room mics. To get the free samples hit the...
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    I know everyone is trying to find some good metal drums. I recently recorded some drums for a YouTube demonstration but along with the session I ask the drummer to do single hits of each drum and of the cymbals. Each drum is printed with and without the room mics. To get the free samples hit the...
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    Waves Api bundle review

    My run through on the API EQ. For more tutorials on recording and mixing please subscribe. Free drum samples on my channel!!!
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    Chango Snares?

    I know everyone is trying to find some good metal drums. I recently recorded some drums for a YouTube demonstration but along with the session I ask the drummer to do single hits of each drum and of the cymbals. Each drum is printed with and without the room mics. To get the free samples hit the...
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    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    I know everyone is trying to find some good metal drums. I recently recorded some drums for a YouTube demonstration but along with the session I ask the drummer to do single hits of each drum and of the cymbals. Each drum is printed with and without the room mics. To get the free samples hit the...
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    FREE Drum Samples. (Self Created)

    I know everyone is trying to find some good metal drums. I recently recorded some drums for a YouTube demonstration but along with the session I ask the drummer to do single hits of each drum and of the cymbals. Each drum is printed with and without the room mics. To get the free samples hit the...
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    how to get a big sounding mix?

    Hard question to answer. The question to ask is here is the first instance where you feel there is a lack of quality? If you think about it your original question will be easier to answer if you can identify where you think you could improve through out the recording process starting from...
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    Sampling Drum Kits

    To create samples of the kit is good as a fail safe incase there is any lack of energy or unheard mistakes during tracking but idk if I would go as far as to sample replace everything with drumagog using sample of the same kit. I am assuming you are making the samples as I said for a...
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    Want private lessons from Joey Sturgis? Click here

    If this is still an on going offer then I am a very serious and interested client. My contact info is