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  1. F

    Mic Placement on Guitars

    Remember the mic is just capturing the sound coming from the source, so if the source is noisy or has too much treble, that's what you will get. Start with everything in "0", and then dial the tome from there, when you are pleased with what you hear, mike it and record it ;-)
  2. F

    Question regarding DI tracks and Reamping

    Hi: get a Reamp box, like this one, and this will match the impedance from your interface into the gtr amp, and then you will ne ready to go.
  3. F

    Home recording 6505+/mesa/sm57

    Using a decent mic preamp, like the one on the Focusrite, and an SM57 or an Audix i5, you can get really good guitar recordings.
  4. F

    Mic Placement on Guitars

    Have you tried the Fredman technique using 2 SM 57 in 45 degrees?
  5. F

    Saludos desde Chile

    Hey people: I'm Felipe Gonzalez, recording engineer and Applications Specialist for Avid Technology in South America. I started loving metal since I heard Master of Puppets back in '86 and still in love with it. :muahaha: I'm working with 2 chilean bands now, AndragoN and Alquimia, will post...