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  1. Top Ground Studios

    I know this is a metal forum but...rap vocals?

    I know this is mainly this forum is for heavy music, but i'm really trying to nail that rap vocal sound because I've been recording a lot of rappers lately. Here's my latest mix (I only mixed vocals, not beat), can anyone give me any advice on getting a better sound? I know the vocals are a tad...
  2. Top Ground Studios

    It's been a while!! Anything i need to brush up on?

    Yeah I've come to the realization that Rbass sucks. MaxxBass allows you to have way more control over the harmonics you want.
  3. Top Ground Studios

    It's been a while!! Anything i need to brush up on?

    It's a Memphis may fire cover! And it's pod with a lot of eq and some subtle console saturation
  4. Top Ground Studios

    It's been a while!! Anything i need to brush up on?

    Yeah definitely. I tried experimenting with different types of EQ's and tones, and I could definitely take some out of the guitars
  5. Top Ground Studios

    It's been a while!! Anything i need to brush up on?

    Yeah the resonance is coming from using Rbass on the bass guitar. I just car tested it and I just heard the resonances clearly. I think the piercing highs you are referring to is coming from the eq I used on the master bus. The color from the eq is a little harsh.
  6. Top Ground Studios

    It's been a while!! Anything i need to brush up on?

    How does this sound? It's been a while since I've mixed a heavy song. I also tried some new things on my master bus. Let me know how it sounds! Thanks guys.
  7. Top Ground Studios

    Heavy Mix (Omnisphere, Chango & Sturgis Samples, UAD Nigel, Pod Farm)

    Yeah northern jersey. Like ten minutes from the bridge. Heights is a really small town though
  8. Top Ground Studios

    Heavy Mix (Omnisphere, Chango & Sturgis Samples, UAD Nigel, Pod Farm)

    NJ woooo! And what exactly do u mean by loose buildup?
  9. Top Ground Studios

    Typical Hardcore Stuff (Omnisphere, Slate, Pod)

    Yeah I gotcha. Anyone have anything to say as far as the mix?
  10. Top Ground Studios

    How do I do this? Pod XT pro

    Have one already
  11. Top Ground Studios

    Heavy-ish mix!

    UM is dead nowadays -____-
  12. Top Ground Studios

    Would anyone be willing to mix a song for me?

    Ill do it for ya. Here's my latest mix
  13. Top Ground Studios

    Heavy-ish mix!

    Anyone else have any input?
  14. Top Ground Studios

    Heavy-ish mix!

    I actually started mixing this before u put the vocals up...idk I was thinking of doing vocals too actually. And yeah I agree with you actually...I just bought Cory's OMG toms but they needed a lot of processing to make it fit somewhat. They needed to be heavily gated...idk it was just for...
  15. Top Ground Studios


    My mix...
  16. Top Ground Studios

    Heavy-ish mix! Let me know what you think