Search results

  1. Yetti

    MekanizM release DECIDE Music Video

    or maybe Five Finger Death Punch
  2. Yetti

    Merry Christmas

    At least you don't have to work 12 hours on Xmas day.
  3. Yetti

    Fried Okra

    Am I the only one here that thinks that okra tastes absolutely craptastic?
  4. Yetti

    Merry Christmas

    Happy Christmahanakwanzika!
  5. Yetti


    Just saw the UM announcement. 25 bucks has been Paypal'd. :Spin:
  6. Yetti

    Is IRC down?

    nevermind. i got it to work.
  7. Yetti

    nevermore in toronto october 22nd

    Give the venue a call.
  8. Yetti


    They tune to C# Standard/Drop B where A=435hz. :)
  9. Yetti

    The dumbass thread

    You made a thread about me? :blush:
  10. Yetti

    so obama has made it official... i was thinking weed got decriminalized. wishful thinking i guess....:bah:
  11. Yetti

    so obama has made it official...

    dude...wait....what? link?
  12. Yetti

    What's the worst movie you've ever seen?

    I see your Troll 2 and raise you a Sleepaway Camp.
  13. Yetti

    What's the worst movie you've ever seen?

    or :guh: You are deemed FALSE.
  14. Yetti

    post your booty pictures!

    :muahaha: :loco:
  15. Yetti

    post your booty pictures!

  16. Yetti

    awesome guitar work thread

    Dying Fetus/Suffocation clips nao! :flame: I've debated picking up a Vh-140c for a while. How is it at bedroom volumes?
  17. Yetti


  18. Yetti


    Or Scar Symmetry
  19. Yetti

    post your sexy pics here

    Incorrect. It's french for sewing. An example being the term haute couture which is essentially custom clothing made from expensive, high quality fabric with an extreme attention to detail on the sewing techniques. :Smokedev: