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  1. Christian WUFU

    How many snare sample layers do you use in order to create the final snare?

    Assuming I'm not going for super natural sounding drums, for me it's usually no less than three (two direct snare samples, and one room). The most I've ever done is six (four direct, two rooms). As long as the end result sounds good it doesn't matter.
  2. Christian WUFU

    Interesting Free IR Plugins Based on Acclaimed Free IRs

    This is actually really cool. I don't use any of these IRs any more, but the plugins seem really well laid, and thought out.
  3. Christian WUFU

    At last PSA-1 in VST

    Yeah, this plugin is seriously awesome. It's totally nailed the tone I use for distorted bass.
  4. Christian WUFU

    The Black Dahlia Murder - I Worship Only What You Bleed Cover - Stems updated and online

    Makes sense! Lol I was only asking because since Slate introduced their 1176 I stopped using the CLA76 on everything's except bass. For whatever reason it's magical on bass
  5. Christian WUFU

    The Black Dahlia Murder - I Worship Only What You Bleed Cover - Stems updated and online

    Thanks! I'm curious, what was it about the CLA76 that made you pick it over the slate emulation in VMR?
  6. Christian WUFU

    The Black Dahlia Murder - I Worship Only What You Bleed Cover - Stems updated and online

    I recorded a cover of this song a few years back! Here's mine: It's interesting hearing the differences in his playing style and mine haha You got a wicked bass tone on your mix OP.
  7. Christian WUFU

    At last PSA-1 in VST

    This LOOKS great. I'm excited to try it out and see how it compares to the pro tools version
  8. Christian WUFU

    Toontrack Metal Month 2016

    I'm the interest of not railing on this dude :lol: There's now a Mark Lewis EZ Mix pack. So, that's pretty cool
  9. Christian WUFU

    Avalerion - Nausicaa/Lost At Sea (Melodeath with raws and stems)

    Here's my rough mix for Lost At Sea: I definitely plan on coming back to this some day and polishing it up more. Thanks a lot for the tracks Antonio!
  10. Christian WUFU

    New Metaprism single (prog metal) I engineered/mixed/mastered [Music Video]

    I completely thought you were exaggerating until I watched the video. Holy hell that is the worst bass "tone" I think I've heard. Was there no way you could have tracked the bass yourself after he left for the day? Also, these vocalists definitely need prop mics hahaha
  11. Christian WUFU

    Service: Mixing, Mastering, Editing, Production, etc.

    Bump Looking for some new clients! Willing to cut some discount deals on EPs right now. PM me or email me!
  12. Christian WUFU

    Avalerion - Nausicaa/Lost At Sea (Melodeath with raws and stems)

    Fuck, dude! These songs rip so hard! Awesome job on everything
  13. Christian WUFU

    New free VST overdrive "Over Diver od82o"

    I'll definitely have to give this a try. Is it actually based off the Maxon?
  14. Christian WUFU

    Despised Icon - All For Nothing - Raws included

    OP: your master is horrendously crushed/clipping. Definitely back off on the limiting or clipping. Is this PRY? Loved the last EP
  15. Christian WUFU

    Despised Icon - All For Nothing - Raws included

    Here's a mix I did a while back: I've been contemplating doing a new one sometime soon.
  16. Christian WUFU

    Epic Celtic Metal track for mix practice

    Fucking awesome song! Thanks a lot for sharing I'm definitely going to give this a shot soon.
  17. Christian WUFU

    Would anyone be interested in mastering an album?

    Hey, Geoff What kind of material are we looking at here? Feel free to shoot me a PM. I'm definitely interested.
  18. Christian WUFU

    Heavy Drop E Tuned Deathcore Mix

    Ahhh okay, I understand now. I assume the main part where the low end is in question is where there's that super loud sub drop. I intentionally let that duck the mix like crazy for effect.