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  1. Mebert78

    Vikram Shankar

    Hey, guys. I'm a big fan of keyboards in my progressive metal. And I noticed that new Redemption keyboardist Vikram Shankar hadn't talked yet about joining the band, so I reached out to him for a Q&A. I thought it would be fun for fans to get some insight into him and what we can expect going...
  2. Mebert78

    New Redemption Song

    Hey, guys. I'm a big fan of keyboards in my progressive metal. And I noticed that new Redemption keyboardist Vikram Shankar hadn't talked yet about joining the band, so I reached out to him for a Q&A. I thought it would be fun for fans to get some insight into him and what we can expect going...
  3. Mebert78

    EVERGREY: The Storm Within

    My apologies if I missed it, but has a specific time been announced for the release party on Thursday, Sept. 8?
  4. Mebert78

    ProgPower USA XVII: Tickets/Gold Badges-Wanted/For Sale

    I was able to get Friday/Saturday tickets, but I'd love to get a Thursday ticket if anyone is selling one. I gotta go to that Evergrey release party. I can be reached at Thanks!
  5. Mebert78

    ProgPower USA XVII: Tickets/Gold Badges-Wanted/For Sale

    I'm looking to buy a ticket for Friday/Saturday. If anyone is selling, please shoot me an e-mail at Thanks so much!
  6. Mebert78

    new update

    Album cover is simply fantastic!
  7. Mebert78

    new update

    I wonder if this means no new Redemption album until maybe 2016 -- especially if he needs to spend another couple months redoing these files. It seems like this DVD has absorbed lots of his time the past year, and judging by the band's past albums it typically takes two years for Redemption to...
  8. Mebert78

    new update

    I guess he still has the original footage and the lost stuff was the edited footage. It would be a shame if he needed to redo it. The concert took place at progpower 2012, and it's looking like spring 2014 before we see anything. That's a long gap.
  9. Mebert78

    new update

    Yeah, that update had me concerned. I don't want to think of what would happen if the work was lost. Yikes. I didn't listen to the clip. I want to experience the whole thing for the first time when it's released. :)
  10. Mebert78

    Your top 10 favorite Redemption songs

    Looks like "Black and White" is the only song that everyone agrees is a top 10 song so far! "Love Kills Us All/Life In One Day" and "Parker's Eyes" are on three of our four lists.
  11. Mebert78

    Your top 10 favorite Redemption songs

    The thread title says it all. Rank your top 10 favorite songs by Redemption. It's tough because there are so many great songs, and I might fluctuate my order slightly. But for now, here's mine: 1) Love Kills Us All/Life In One Day 2) Memory 3) Perfect 4) Sapphire 5) Walls 6) Black...
  12. Mebert78


    Wow, yes i do run the KM site/forum. That's wild that you recognized me at the show because of my avatar pic. You should have said hi! I'm surprised there have still been no fan videos of Redemption's performance on YouTube. I figured at least one would pop up! I want to re-live the moment. :)
  13. Mebert78

    Redemption lyrics that have profoundly affected you

    So, I've been thinking about what Bamafan said in another thread about being at the ProgPower show and hearing a handful of fans each mention a different song that deeply touches them and often "opens the floodgates" and chokes them up, etc. So I'm curious what song(s), or more specifically...
  14. Mebert78

    Introducing our keyboard player for PPUSA

    Hahah! I totally noticed that too. He was mouthing the words to every song. I loved that. It made me feel like he really appreciates the music and belongs!
  15. Mebert78


    I agree, beowulf. Redemption's lyrics really set them apart from other bands, for me. I know a lot of music fans often could care less about lyrics, but it seems like people who are truly passionate about Redemption seem to have some attachment to the lyrics. I told Nick on Saturday that his...
  16. Mebert78


    This is my first post here. I've been a lurker and I'm an active member of the Dream Theater Forums. I was at the ProgPower performance and the Saturday morning "private show." I traveled from NY pretty much just to see Redemption. Nick's lyrics touch me like nothing else, and I couldn't...