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  1. H

    Last Album You Listened to in Full?

    Amorphis - Queen of Time
  2. H

    Last movie you saw and your verdict

    Deadpool 2 - Well, if you liked first one I'm pretty sure this will sink in too. Some killer scenes in mid credits :rofl: Josh Brolin as Than... I mean Cable is great. Let's make some chimi-fucking-changas.
  3. H

    Last movie you saw and your verdict

    Avengers: Infinity War My initial worry was that this is going to be mess with such large number of characters involved, but my fears quickly faded when movie started. It was pure joy from start to end, and now... A whole year before we see how this finally plays out. Awesome. 5/5
  4. H

    (New) Love/Hate Thread

    This is excellent news :kickass: All I need now is Xerath to come back and I'm set.
  5. H

    Last movie you saw and your verdict

    Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets I really wanted to like this one, I remember that I liked comics back in the day. And visually it's great, no problem there but poorly casted main charactes is where it fails miserably. Can't really think what else to say about this, it's soon forgotten.
  6. H

    Last movie you saw and your verdict

    Logan Holy shit! This is THE Wolverine movie, dark, gritty and violent althought some humorous bits here and there. Probably the most realistic superhero adaptation to date, road movie if you will. See it, you won't regret it.
  7. H

    Recent Purchases

    Witherscape - The Northern Sanctuary Solution .45 - Nightmares in Waking State pt.2 DGM - The Passage And these albums fit right in "last album you listened in full" too
  8. H

    Last movie you saw and your verdict

    I had little bit of turkey fest recently, watched Shoot Em' Up, Drive Angry and Cowboys & Aliens. While all three are bit crap, still solid entertainment especially with some beer :)
  9. H

    Last movie you saw and your verdict

    Not really movie but documentary, I am Thor. I actually saw Thor in Sauna Open Air back at 2009 (also covered in doc), didn't much care about that act then and to be honest still don't but at least now I understand where that guy is coming from.
  10. H

    Last movie you saw and your verdict

    More superhero stuff, first Batman v Superman. What a borefest, I wanted to leave theatre after hour or so and that doesn't happen very often. Affleck was actually quite good Batman, so little upside there but ultimately this will be those rare superhero movies that I won't watch again...ever...
  11. H

    Last movie you saw and your verdict

    Deadpool Holy shit, yes! Only negative is Colossus, full cgi character with annoying accent (yes yes he's russian...). 4/5 Oh yes, almost forgot, Morena Baccarin is smokin' hot! Let me adjust verdict to 4.5/5
  12. H

    Recent Purchases

    Borknagar - Winter Thrice
  13. H

    Last movie you saw and your verdict

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens Well now, didn't have high expectations (actually all I hoped that it wouldn't turn out to be snooze fest) and that's probably the reason that I was pleasantly surprised with this. Basically this is revamped New Hope but that's not bad thing, compared to episodes...
  14. H

    Mandatory Now Playing

    Scar Symmetry - Unseen Empire, track Illuminoid Dream Sequence.
  15. H

    Recent Purchases

    All Scar Symmetry albums except first, and that is on it's way too.
  16. H

    Recent Purchases

    Paradise Lost - The Plague Within
  17. H

    Last movie you saw and your verdict

    Latest James Bond, Spectre. It's your basic 3/5 Bond movie which is bit shame because it could have been so much more, Christoph Waltz as Blofeld you'd expect some epic villain shit but no. Monica Bellucci, too short screen time. And some other misc whining, it's ok but not great. Craig is good...
  18. H

    Mad Max: Fury Road

    So, I was planning on buying Fury Road on BD, but instead I got Anthology BD box just because there is Madness of Max documentary included. This doc is about making of first Mad Max movie, hefty 2,5h running time was cakewalk as it's pretty fascinating stuff.
  19. H

    The Video Game Thread

    Well shii-it, I started new game on Mad Max. It doesn't have new game + feature, but it's still nice to give this another go as now you know what to do right from the start. Despite it's shortcomings, it's still great game for a die hard MM fan like me.
  20. H

    The Video Game Thread

    So, completed Mad Max and have to say that ending was bit dissapointing. Still, enjoyed it a lot and there's still stuff to do and places to go as my game completion is only 57%, also now I have Interceptor to drive around. Hopefully Avalanche will release somekind of extension pack for this.