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  1. Inceptionist

    Alexi's gear/rigs are up for auction

    Honestly the biggest difference to me is that Alexi is one of very few who’s solos don’t just sound like guitar wanking. When you listen to Alexi, Randy, Dimebag… there’s a different attitude than any of these other guys like Temmu, Petrucci, or whoever. Alexi made unique solos without having...
  2. Inceptionist

    The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

    I have a GP-1000 too and have used a Rocktron Velocity 100, Peavey Classic 50/50, and now an Engl E840 in the power section. Each one was a clear step up from the last, though definitely more expensive. Love the Engl, sounds great and highly recommend. I’ve been considering getting a Marshall...
  3. Inceptionist

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    Fuck, he looks so unwell in that video… His face is just… blank. No movements or expressions, even during the screams his mouth barely moves. It’s so sad.
  4. Inceptionist

    The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

    Same. I have a dimarzio paf pro with a clone JE-1000. I had an emg-81 before. The emg was not muddy, but the paf definitely makes it seem so. Really tight low end with the paf pro, not nearly as much punch though. In general more “trebly” tone in my opinion. Can’t find J50BCs anymore...
  5. Inceptionist

    Alexi passed away

    Coroners would have most likely said it was a drug overdose if that was the case. I don’t think those played a part in his death. They listed the liver and pancreas degeneration as the cause and those were probably just his regular medications for dealing with those issues.
  6. Inceptionist

    Live Videos Thread

    This is amazing! Can’t thank you enough, really happy to see footage like this.
  7. Inceptionist

    Children Of Bodom - Live shows (in chronological order)

    Feels like there’s some “legal” work going on. Lots of videos being removed from YouTube (like the Vivaldi video with millions of views and some live shows).
  8. Inceptionist

    EMG ABQ / Jackson JE-1000

    Yeah, basically the gain boost preamp turns your passive pickup into an “active” one. You’ll need a new jack that’d be compatible with an active pickup.
  9. Inceptionist

    Live Videos Thread

    That 10 minutes of soloing in the Dec 2005 video, around 52:00, missed seeing things like that
  10. Inceptionist

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    I think I remember he would send the parts to the guys to practice before rehearsing. Pretty sure he would quickly record the parts and send them out to them.
  11. Inceptionist

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    I would not like it if the other guys recorded new music in the future under the Bodom name. Bodom is, and has always been, Alexi. Continuing the band under his name without him is disrespectful. Like if I started a band and named it Pantera 2 with none of the original members. It’s not right...
  12. Inceptionist

    Children Of Bodom - Guitar Clinics, Playthroughs, Lessons, etc.

    I’ve never seen either of these, don’t know if there’s more out there: He’s in the preview of the November 2015 video, but only on the cover of April 2011 issue (maybe that’s the RRF 2011 video released later in the year?)
  13. Inceptionist

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    That might be the best cover of the solos I’ve ever heard
  14. Inceptionist

    Alexi passed away

    From Kimberly Goss, she’s been uploading a lot of pictures with stories
  15. Inceptionist

    Alexi passed away

    So many years of keeping up with him and the band, and so many iconic moments that will stick with everyone forever. Watching all the COB TV, old live videos like the Seoul show and Chaos Ridden Years or documentaries, reading up on his gear for hours or watching the instructional videos, even...
  16. Inceptionist

    Alexi passed away

    I can’t believe this. RIP Alexi. You are the reason I started playing guitar, the reason I began listening to metal, and my biggest inspiration the last 17 years when I discovered your music. I’ll never forget hearing Hate Crew Deathroll for the first time, it opened me up to a whole new world...
  17. Inceptionist

    The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

    Anyone have experience with the Engl 840/50 power amp? I love the FTR and Suicide By My Side tone and Alexi used this on both. I have a Peavey classic 50/50 now and wondering if it’s worth the upgrade.
  18. Inceptionist

    Which guitar riffs (Bodom) drove you nuts?

    Downfall Intro: I could NOT play this clean for a long time. Something in the picking pattern made it impossible for me. Tried starting on an upstroke instead, and suddenly I had the riff down. Chokehold Riff: The picking is tricky, tough to make it sound like straight 1/16th notes instead of...
  19. Inceptionist

    JE1K Manual

    Yes, you’d essentially have two preamps in one pickup. It would be very over-distorted and muddy.
  20. Inceptionist

    Your COB Collection

    Anyone have a Follow The Reaper vinyl copy they’re willing to part with? Can’t seem to find one with the album cover sleeve! Was looking to display it in the house...