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  1. T

    Cubase making mix lose high end and air HELP

    Also see if you encounter the same issues when using real time bounce. I don't quite understand how you can tell you are loosing high end before the bounce, how do you mean?
  2. T

    Bass tone revision 2

    When I play hard the FR will quaver slightly, and they are notoriously difficult to setup with thick strings. I play in B and I wouldn't use anything lighter than 64. Gauge 64 - 72 on a FR = prolapse
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    Bass tone revision 2

    Haha yeah NT all the way, I would never buy the FR variant for this genre
  4. T

    Bass tone revision 2

    Yeah looking at a second hand 737 (Or similar quality channel strip) so around the 1600 mark. I am strongly considering a MH1000, I didn't think the Horizon was worth the extra money and in fact sounded a little flabby in the low end.
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    New Drum Tones!

    Sounding pretty good man, vox sound good (Nice level). A more aggressive master would give it a bit more size
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    Another Metal Mix!

    Hey man, drums sound a little thin and pokey and the top end is a little brittle
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    Bass tone revision 2

    Thanks man, sounds like a fair call. I'm holding off guitars for a few weeks saving my $ for Avalon 737 and an ESP MH NT! Should be killer
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    Bass tone revision 2

    Hey guys I took some of your advice on board, here is a revision of the bass track. I also just got C6 so I was able to tame the high end properly
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    Mix critique!

    Nice, it is easy to get carried away with EQ. I often like to bypass all my processing just to make sure I am not over doing anything. I always remind myself that SSD / Superior / BFD are already processed sounds, so less is often more..
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    Mix critique!

    Coming along well. The top end in the OH is a little harsh, drums sound fairly raw which is not necessarily a bad thing. Bass needs a bit of work. Guitars aren't bad but sound much better by themselves - the combined L and R becomes a bit fizzy.
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    Bass tone

    Thanks guys, it would seem the general advice is to bring up the grind - I will work on this! It is mainly snare 22 SSD. The snare room mic is sent to the same OP (this is critical), I use the a compressor to bring up the snare tail using a slower attack and release. Use a ratio of say 2:1 as...
  12. T

    Above The Broken Mix

    Cool mix, the vox are a bit dry. The master compression is wrong and the eq could be shaped a little better in my opinion. Coming along though
  13. T

    Latest Demo Work. Beatdown?

    This breakdown is fucking sick. I can hear overdrive at 0:20 when the toms hit (watch the low end). Snare sounds nice - personally would like a little more room on the snare but sounding pretty damn cool
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    Bass tone

    Thanks man, yeah I have a bright track running through a sansamp distortion (lots of click and grind) I was thinking of bringing it up! Thanks for the input
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    Bass tone

    Hey people. I welcome constructive criticism on this work in progress (mainly bass guitar). Ibanez RG w/ EMG active - Sansamp RBI - Digidesign 003 - PT - Standard PT10 Compressor (-2dB GR) - Standard PT10 EQ - Magic - AUX - Magic
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    What do you guys think of this bass, (real bass)

    Sorry about the typo, what amp sim did you use for this? Do you blend clean feed and processed?
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    New Progressive/Death Metal CRITIQUE!

    Sounding good man, the guitars are a tad harsh but all in all pretty decent! I have to say though, in my personal opinion guitars tuned that low sound a bit ridiculous - maybe that's just me though!
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    What do you guys think of this bass, (real bass)

    I like this, do you run what amp sim did you use for this?
  19. T

    Heaviest song I have ever made.

    +1 but I probably would just reshape the EQ instead of running an external cab simulator. Just bring back a bit more 500 - 850Hz