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  1. Raven Fireeye

    Funky Metal

    Metal can in fact be pretty funky. I can really dance to White Zombie :) I'm in a Hip Hop dance class at college, and the teacher divided us into separate teams. The assignment is for each group to choose a...
  2. Raven Fireeye

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    It sucks that Tod and The Book of Pure Evil didn't continue...
  3. Raven Fireeye

    Pube shaving

    Why are there sooo many people desecrating their pubic hairs! I just don't get this behavior. It's creepy in the bad way... I would NEVER shave or trim or style or color my dickforest. As for Spiderman...why's he gotta shoot his sticky white stuff all over the place? I'm happy just doin' that...
  4. Raven Fireeye

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    I don't know this shit. These aren't albums I'm familiar with. I guess there's a lot of stuff for me to try out.
  5. Raven Fireeye


    I've been thinking of quitting smoking. :flame: I just haven't gotten around to it. What do yall think of smoking? It's pretty fun, and pretty bad for you. It's also pretty badass for you too...but it makes you smell bad.... I love to smoke with some good music playing though. While...
  6. Raven Fireeye

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    Eminem...I've heard and felt his music since I was a kid. But eventually I realized, although he's good at rhyming, his voice is monotone. In fact, his style is very unchanging. He's not as creative as other artists. ICP is pretty creative. They've got a huge imagination. Their lyrics are...
  7. Raven Fireeye


    My life experiences have inspired me. Also things that are happening in the world inspire me. I write lyrics a lot, and for me it's important to put my soul into them. I'm a philosopher, and I think very deeply about things. And I express this often - but not always - in my lyrics. I hope that...
  8. Raven Fireeye

    Songs currently kicking your ass.

    Manowar - Warriors of the World
  9. Raven Fireeye

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    I fast a lot. That could explain why I don't get sick. Going a few days without eating can be good, unless you over do it.
  10. Raven Fireeye

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    I never get sick. That's probably because I love to do a lot of healthy stuff...
  11. Raven Fireeye

    best insane clown posse songs

    Who yold you ICP is a metal band?
  12. Raven Fireeye

    best insane clown posse songs

    Hahaha, yeah...when I saw this thread and read the o.p. I thought, "What the fuck?" No offense intended toward the one who started this thread, but calling ICP a metal band is as absurd as calling Metallica a Jazz/Hip Hop band. Although I must admit that ICP uses some elements of metal in...
  13. Raven Fireeye

    Pube shaving

    I fucking agree.
  14. Raven Fireeye

    Pube shaving

    Oh...that degree. Damn boy!
  15. Raven Fireeye

    Males and Females

    I love women. Except cunts.
  16. Raven Fireeye


    I hear that song, when my boner slowly rises. But yeah I see your point.
  17. Raven Fireeye

    Pube shaving

    To what exact degree do you like Spiderman?
  18. Raven Fireeye


    Bach is fucking badass.
  19. Raven Fireeye


    Weed. Haha.