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  1. Blaine Rohmer

    Blaine Rohmer - atmospheric black/dark metal from Belarus

    Blaine Rohmer is a one-man atmospheric black/dark metal project from Minsk, Belarus. You can check out and download first full length album "Death's Hall" on bandcamp.
  2. Blaine Rohmer

    Service: Editing, Mixing, Mastering

    Some new songs
  3. Blaine Rohmer

    Service: Editing, Mixing, Mastering

    Prices: Editing - Starting at 10$ per track Mixing - Starting at 80$ per song Mastering - Starting at 10$ per song Contact me for more information:
  4. Blaine Rohmer

    Mixers: how do you deal when you receive bad tracks?

    It really depends on the material you working with. If programmed drums is a mandatory, then it is possible to just alternate midi position and velocity by a random value in just one touch and get a pretty good result.
  5. Blaine Rohmer

    The best way of recording bass in my situation?

    Track DI then process it as you want to. Personally i don't use any bass amp plugins as ampeg svx but it is a valid way to do it thought.
  6. Blaine Rohmer

    Does the Focusrite iTrack Solo clip like the Scarlett 2i2?

    Yep. I think that this are the same preamps as in 2i2, but thanks to the pad button clipping is not an issue.
  7. Blaine Rohmer

    Bass DI shootout

    D and E is sounding better for me, but there all equally good. Bass player is nice, still.
  8. Blaine Rohmer

    Melodic metal mix

    Hi everybody. This is my em.. my third work, i suppose, and it still missing vocals, but i really need some feedback on every little (and big) mistake i made. Thanks.
  9. Blaine Rohmer

    Epic Doom Metal need critique