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  1. End of Glory

    Fellow members of the website you miss hearing

    I'm kind of still here
  2. End of Glory

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    That's not being cancer in the locker room... that's having the gut to speak openly about how the Oilers are mistreating him.. which is true.
  3. End of Glory

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    Oh they will, they're pathetic enough for that. Also Kris Russell isn't worth moving a player just to sign him. Edmonton traded Hall and Yakupov for Larsson, a 3rd round prosoect who haven't done well in the juniors and a 3rd or 2nd round pick, well done Edmonton you fucked up once again.
  4. End of Glory

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    There's the reason EDM won't get anywhere. Edmonton once again got absolutely robbed and this time by the Blues. But I still don't get this trade, Blues are really stacked on forwards, how are they expecting to play Yakupov properly so he can evolve?
  5. End of Glory

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    It would have been a different story if Ottawa were a Cup contender but right now they are a wild card team at best. Brassard have playoff experience and are reliable to score in the playoffs so since Ottawa are not even near the Cup and yet they seem to have a 'win now' mentality... they have a...
  6. End of Glory

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    So one of my favorite Rangers players got traded away but I'm still excited over this deal. We got someone who's younger, bigger, better at faceoffs AND had almost the same offensive year. And a 2nd round pick too? Ottawa got fleeced on this deal.
  7. End of Glory

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    Simple, he wants to play with the Sedins.
  8. End of Glory

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    Okposo to Sabres. Backes to Bruins. Ladd to Islanders. Boedker to Sharks. Eriksson to Canucks. Nielsen to Red Wings. Lucic to Oilers. Reimer to Panthers. Brouwer to Flames. So pretty much every relevant names from FA are now signed. This is going to be a long off-season...
  9. End of Glory

    The Official Good Television Thread

    So... pic 1: dark brown, pick 2: dark brown and pic 3: blonde. Better?
  10. End of Glory

    The Official Good Television Thread

    For me it's, picture #1: black, picture #2: black and picture #3: dark brown. So it might be the lighting.
  11. End of Glory

    The Official Good Television Thread

    Yes but the Robert theory is a new one. I know it's been Raeghar for a long time.
  12. End of Glory

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    If someone would ask me today 'Weber or Subban?' I would say Weber without doubts but Weber is older and has a terrible contract so Nashville won this trade in the longrun. I can't stop laughing at Hall - Larsson trade. Edmonton have reached a new level of stupidity and poor Hall... traded from...
  13. End of Glory

    The Official Good Television Thread

  14. End of Glory

    The Official Good Television Thread

    It means how the fuck I'm supposed to guess your hair color when you think Jon's hair is brown.
  15. End of Glory

    The Official Good Television Thread

    Whatever you say. Jon's hair is obviously black.
  16. End of Glory

    The Official Good Television Thread

    Then I misunderstood you. I would definitely call that black hair. Compare with Ned, Robb and Lyanna and you'll see the Stark-ish brown. (couldn't find a picture of her in Tower of Joy) Compare that to Jon and Robert. Well that depends on what you consider to be black or brown...
  17. End of Glory

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    This is a crazy day for hockey... Taylor Hall for Adam Larsson. Shea Weber for PK Subban. Stamkos staying in Tampa (fuck...).
  18. End of Glory

    The Official Good Television Thread

    I guess it depends on where you're looking. I read a fascinating theory a couple of weeks/a month ago. It were something like this: Cersei would demand Trial By Combat against the High Sparrow. Zombie Clegane would fight for Cersei and Hound (Gravedigger) would fight for High Sparrow...
  19. End of Glory

    The Official Good Television Thread

    That theory has been going on for a while now. Also that the R in R + L = J actually stands for Robert Baratheon. Anyhow, I feel that the season finale were rushed, which is quite disappointing. Seriously, a lot of important characters died and Varys and Arya must have borrowed Littlefinger's...