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  1. S

    The reunion thread

    First of all, I'm not a huge Anthrax fan (hence my first post here) but I am an avid metal fan that likes Anthrax (if you get my drift :erk: ). And if it matters, I was raised on old school thrash so I remember Anthrax "back in the day". Anyway, since I signed up on Ultimate Metal ages ago and...
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    CNN/Netscape very bitter

    I have no interest in Hillary Clinton but I'm suprised at you conservative types suggesting a women leader would be a weakness. Margaret Thatcher was a legendary conservative Prime Minister in the UK (not for good reasons in my opinion) but nonetheless, she was hardly weak. In fact, she was...
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    Against The Grain

    First of all, I don't hate Bush. I don't even know the man personally. However, I feel like mentioning that disagreeing with Bush's policies has nothing to do with being "popular". Bush isn't popular for a few reasons. I'll go through them quickly because I don't want to start debates on each...
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    Best Carcass Album

    Symphonies of Sickness because it's just so brutally raw. It was also the first Carcass record I bought and I'd never heard such disgusting music (in a good way) before that. Necroticism is close behind. Heartwork and Swansong are both good albums but they lacked what seemed like musical gore...
  5. S

    Hails to the message board

    I agree. I'm 28 so I don't really feel like going to watch a band surrounded by people considerably younger than me either. It just makes me feel like an old bastard that's crashing the party. The fact I enjoy beer kind of sways my decision too.
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    Power vs. Death

    Napalm Death are NOT melodic in any way. They're grindcore and pretty bloody good as well. As for singing, it depends on the music it's accompanying as it has to complement the sounds. Iron Maiden couldn't have a grunter and Morbid Angel wouldn't sound right with clean vocals. Even a band like...
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    Hails to the message board

    I still check this message board to see if there are any metal shows on. Since I'm a relative newcomer to NL and I seem to be older than most of the people posting on the Fireign board (i.e. I'm not in metal social circles here), these metal boards are the only way I hear about shows. Even if I...
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    kill ALL arabs

    Touche, but I did quote facts. I just missed out a few bits that would have tarnished my arguments. :cool: Anyway, the weekend is upon me so I don't have time to be shooting the shit on message boards. Farewell to all.
  9. S

    kill ALL arabs

    For all the talk of ignorance, I just wanted to add something. I see many people here continually mentioning that America saved Europe in WW2. This may be true and I'm sure it was welcome at the time but they did not enter WW2 until 1941, two years into the war. This only really woke the US up...
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    Saruman sings?

    For those of us a bit older, we might remember Christopher Lee more as Scaramanga - The Man With The Golden Gun (or three nipples, however you want). :grin:
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    Cutting The Hair

    I think the longest I had my hair was just past my nipples. Anyway, I can't even remember my decision making process to cut it because that was about 6 or 7 years ago. I just went into a barber and did it. One thing is for sure - it IS harder to look after when it's long. Nowadays, I usually...
  12. S

    metalcore.... the new nu metal????

    Yeah for this post. :cool: Since my last post, people are still debating what metalcore is. Because IT IS A MADE UP GENRE TITLE. The music media have been doing this for years and it ultimately means nothing. Britpop anyone? Grunge? In addition to that, you're all arguing that it's not...
  13. S

    metalcore.... the new nu metal????

    What is metalcore anyway? Is it another media spawned genre to further confuse an already cluttered list of pointless genres? Seriously, is it just hardcore with a fancy name? The most ridiculous one is mathcore. Hehe.
  14. S

    Female fronted bands

    Bottom are an all-female band and they're pretty good. Their site is or something like that. They could have considered the band name a bit more but they're pretty good nonetheless. I'll take this opportunity to say that I think Kittie are garbage. Bad sound, bad song writing...
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    Prejudice in Metal Styles?

    I disagree because to be truely open minded, you would accept someone being narrow minded but would still reserve the right to state that they are acting in a contrary way to you. In simple terms, if I think someone is being narrowminded because they refuse to listen to nothing but power metal...
  16. S

    All hail Entombed

    One of my favourite bands. Even Same Difference has a few tracks that I like.
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    For All Clinton Lovers

    Apologies for going slightly off topic but I've seen people use this line against liberal arguments all the time and I have to retort on a general level. First of all, I must define my use of the term liberal because people use it to mean anything from communist to hippy nowadays and I am...
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    Do you know the most agressive, extreme band ever?

    I don't understand this obsession with being the "most brutal" or "most extreme". What does that mean anyway? There could be 4 or 5 people thrashing aimlessly on their instruments while the vocalist screams lyrics about all sorts of disturbing stuff (often done in a lame way) but would it be...
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    Satanism and Metal

    Hmmm, this thread is all over the place. Satanism and metal? It's already been said - it was a gimmick to piss off conservative knee-jerkers and now it's become a sad stereotype. Stereotypes? No, they're not OK. This is going back to a post way back in the thread but there is no excuse for...
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    Bands That Have Gotten Progressively Worse With Each Album

    Haha, I gave up reading this thread after I read this. He likes to use the word "pseudo" and particularly dislikes pseudo-intellectuals it seems. Ironic really given his tendency to fit as many "big" words into a sentence as possible to try and maintain his self-imposed status as an intellectual...