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  1. AscentToZenith

    Furyof to AscentToZenith

    Not sure if anyone can grant this. I didn't know you can change your name. So I was trying to make an account named AscentToZenith, it doesn't let me post on it though, the account is made though. Not sure if I can delete it, and then have this one named AscentToZenith. Thanks.
  2. AscentToZenith

    Looking for feedback and potential vocalist for rock/metal mix

    Hey I'm experimenting with a new style of mine. Trying to mix rock and metal. I wanted a more generic and rock sound but still having the fun heaviness that metal brings. Thoughts on the mix and song? Also with this style comes the need for vocals. Anyone out there willing to try vocals on it...
  3. AscentToZenith

    I can't figure out what is wrong with this mix?

    Something is bothering me with this mix. But I'm quite sure what it is. Anyone have any feedback or ideas?
  4. AscentToZenith

    Guitar pick recommendations?

    I feel like this would be the right place to post this. What do you use? I've recently come to terms that my picking has been wrong, so I'm relearning. I'm planning on buying a Jazz III pack and seeing which one I like the best. Any recommendations? I like to play modern metal. I never messed...
  5. AscentToZenith

    Newest mix! Feedback is welcome!

    Hey guys I've been around here a while trying to get mix feedback, I'm again with me newest song. Please give it a listen and tell me your opinion. You can critique it and everything. Negative feedback is good feedback. You can give me feedback on the song itself too :D
  6. AscentToZenith

    Just finished my best mix, thoughts?

    Here is the mix of song I made 8 months ago. I re-recorded the guitars and the mixed everything on a new rig. It's my first mix to have 'that sound'. I don't how to describe what I mean but it's there. Feedback and thoughts are appreciated! Thanks for listening! (For reference here is the old...
  7. AscentToZenith

    How is this metal mix (album quality?)?

    I've been working on a little album recently. I have most of the songs done so I've been mixing random stuff. This is a random riff I wrote for the purpose of mixing. I'm mixing on headphones and the strings are like 4 months old ( I plan on getting new strings to write the final product on the...
  8. AscentToZenith

    Do I have the quality to make an album?

    I stopped posting on these forums and went on my own mixing adventure and now I think it's time to come back and learn again. I want to create an album, though I'm not sure If I am ready yet, guitar skill and mixing skill wise. Thoughts? Here are two songs, one is a serious song and one is a...
  9. AscentToZenith

    Free/cheap alternative trigger VST?

    I want to trigger my superior drummer drums. I have never really fooled around with but the typical program (Slate Digital Trigger) is a little much. Is there any free or cheap alternatives? Or maybe good trigger packs too?
  10. AscentToZenith

    Check this mess around mix?

    Hey guys I haven't posted here in a while because I never get feedback here :p I was having some fun on this song. Opinions on the mix or opinions in general?
  11. AscentToZenith

    How does this snare sound?

    Hey guys I was hoping to get opinions on this snare. I've always had trouble getting a good snare sound. I think this is personally my best snare so I thought I'd share a short mix with it. Any opinion/feedback is welcome, from brutal to...
  12. AscentToZenith

    Mixing drums help? (modern Metal)

    I have been making music for almost 2 years now. I've always relied on drum presets that I'd build off of to make my music. I disliked that and I'm now trying to make my own sound with superior. I'd like feedback on it and ways I can improve my sound. Here is a link Right now I feel I...
  13. AscentToZenith

    My metalcore mix (feedback please)

    Ok so I'm still a noob guy trying to just make music in his bedroom. This is a pretty simple song, nothing fancy just fun to play. I don't have studio monitors which is unfortunate but I still like to make music. Here is the mix. You can give me feedback on anything. Even just how the song...
  14. AscentToZenith

    New pickup mix

    Hey guys I would really love some opinions and feedback on my mix on this song. I just installed new pickups for the first and I feel like my guitar comes alive in this mix more than any other song before it. Here it is compared to...
  15. AscentToZenith

    Installing pickup for the first time..

    read this first >"His list" was this "How many output cables does the pickup appear to have? 1) One chunky one with metal mesh around its outside. 2) One skinny white and one skinny black (waxed cotton or plastic insulation) 3) One chunky black one with several smaller coloured ones...
  16. AscentToZenith

    pickup question

    Ok so I have a bad idea that I wanted to try but I decided I'd ask this forum, You guys are pretty smart on this kind of stuff. I have pretty shitty guitar, Like 300 dollar guitar. Well at least it was 300 dollars. I can't afford a guitar that would be worth it, You know a 600+ guitar...
  17. AscentToZenith

    Tone and mix advice? How is my tone and mix here? I am trying to get good bass and guitar symmetry going. Here is a link to an unmixed raw version I know this place is really not active but this is the only place...
  18. AscentToZenith

    dialing first bass tone. Advice?

    I am making my first bass tone and I want a tone that smacks the hell out of you. Pretty much Nolly's tones from the band Periphery. His bass tones are always godly. I know how to make a decent sounding rhythm and tone and lead but I...
  19. AscentToZenith

    Superior Drummer Question

    So I have heard people tune their kicks to the guitars lowest string to get that nice chug sound so I am curious how I can do this with the pitchshifting nob that superior has. I don't really understand it tbh. A tiny push changes it by a lot. I am playing in drop A for this specific song...
  20. AscentToZenith

    Mixing help? How is this mix? It is pretty short but what are your opinion on this? Any advice? Thanks for the help/opinions I hope I get some replies :p these forums are usually kind of dead