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  1. Lies and Perfidy


    SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION ALERT re: Vikings Ciaran Hinds plays Mance Rayder. He's pretty awesome, tho I wish they'd gotten their first choice, Dominic West (Jimmy McNulty on the Wire)
  2. Lies and Perfidy


    The big challenge this season is gonna be sprawl - there's so many characters in different places to juggle. I imagine the next episode or two are gonna be like this as well before we get some serious momentum. This had some good shit, though. Tywin talking to Tyrion about inheritance. Damn.
  3. Lies and Perfidy

    So, what's your favorite band from each subgenre?

    metal: priest kinda gay metal: virgin steele angry metal: overkill nerd metal: skyclad drunk metal: slough feg racist metal: destroyer 666
  4. Lies and Perfidy

    A sad reality

    bluegrass for people who've never heard bluegrass
  5. Lies and Perfidy

    A sad reality

    not much! working, writing, schooling. i dunno, internet's got a half-life. y'all realize it's been more than ten years since I started posting here? and i'm not even one of the oldest of the old school. without much Nevermore to talk about, this forum became a self-sustaining entity, and that...
  6. Lies and Perfidy

    A sad reality

    what's up, whores
  7. Lies and Perfidy

    Dave running his yapper..

    you realize that Obama hasn't done shit or fuck about gun control, right? He has an F from the Brady Campaign and hasn't made a single specific proposal about reducing gun violence or taking guns out of the hands of American citizens.
  8. Lies and Perfidy

    Getting set to drink a 5th of Spiced Jack Rum!

    IPAs are the one broad category of beer (besides, you know, "bad") that I can't stand. Just tastes soapy. Stouts, German lagers, Belgians. That's my jam.
  9. Lies and Perfidy

    Which is better... Spartacus or Game Of Thrones?

    It's really impossible to have this argument without dumping spoilers all over the place, so I'll just say that Arya's actions in books 2 and 3 (particularly 2) have some pretty significant effects on the War of the Five Kings, and that if your sole standards for judging a character are "how...
  10. Lies and Perfidy

    Nevermore Forum Nostalgia

    I was 16 and my shit was as stupid as shit can be, as is that of all 16 year-olds. I thought I was friggin' brilliant, though.
  11. Lies and Perfidy

    Which is better... Spartacus or Game Of Thrones?

    are you fucking tripping
  12. Lies and Perfidy

    Which is better... Spartacus or Game Of Thrones?

    GoT and it ain't even close. Spartacus is a really fun blood-and-tits show with some enjoyable performances. Game of Thrones is legit great HBO drama
  13. Lies and Perfidy

    Did anyone watch Camelot on Starz?

    Yeah, it sucked shit. Concur with boosters of James Purefoy, Joseph Fiennes (hammy as he was), and the gorgeous Eva Green. In 10 years when they run out of ideas again someone will take another shot at an Arthurian series, and maybe eventually they'll get it right. but it won't have Purefoy &...
  14. Lies and Perfidy

    Beastie Boys' Adam Yaucht Dies

    The beat just dropped. :(
  15. Lies and Perfidy

    Gaming Thread

    Skyrim was 33% off yesterday. WELP. I'm looking forward to unemployment.
  16. Lies and Perfidy

    "The Hobbit" Trailer

    DWARF SONG FUCK YES Oh man this is such a huge delicious piece of my childhood. I'm fucking psyched.
  17. Lies and Perfidy

    The most beautiful song you've ever heard

    Fiddler on the Green is fucking amazing.
  18. Lies and Perfidy

    The most beautiful song you've ever heard

    Yeah, that's right, George fucking Jones. Haters gonna hate. (also deeply amused by youtube's ad choices for that page)
  19. Lies and Perfidy

    The most beautiful song you've ever heard

    Sinead O'Connor & the Chieftains doing "The Foggy Dew" would also be a good choice.
  20. Lies and Perfidy

    The most beautiful song you've ever heard